Installing a user-defined node

Install a user-defined node for use to develop message flows.

About this task

You can develop message flows by using the user-defined node in the same way as the built-in nodes. Before you can use a user-defined node, you must install it into your IBM® App Connect Enterprise Toolkit. A user-defined node is installed differently depending on how it was packaged.


  1. Install the user-defined node project:
    • If the user-defined node was packaged as plug-in JAR files, copy your JAR files into the dropins folder in your IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit installation location, and run the ace toolkit -clean -initialize command to pick up the new files.
    • If the user-defined node was packaged as an update site, install the plug-ins from the update site.
  2. Restart your IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit. The user-defined nodes are displayed in the palette in the Message Flow editor under the category that you specified for the user-defined node project.

What to do next

If you have created a user-defined node in Java™ or C that uses a custom property compiler, you must also install the user-defined node plug-in on the integration nodes or independent integration servers onto which you want to deploy the user-defined node; see the following topics: