Cloning a .NETInput node

You can reproduce parameters and attributes that you customized for a .NETInput node by creating a Cloned node from it.

Before you begin

  • To create a Cloned node, you must have administrator privileges.
  • Add a .NETInput node to a message flow and configure the node.

About this task

The Cloned node has no special properties of its own, and cannot be created from the palette drawer. You can create it only from an existing, configured .NETInput node.

To create a Cloned node, complete the following steps.


  1. Open the message flow that contains your configured .NETInput node.
  2. Right-click the .NETInput node and select Create Cloned Node.
  3. Enter a name for the cloned node, and provide tooltip text that is displayed when you hover a mouse over the node on the palette.
  4. Import node icons to represent the cloned node on the palette and in the Message Flow editor.
  5. Click Finish.


Your Cloned node is saved in the .NET drawer of the palette with the name that you gave it, and is represented in the IBM® App Connect Enterprise Toolkit by your chosen node icon.

What to do next

When you create an instance of a Cloned node, it is configured with the properties and values that you specified for the .NETInput node from which it was cloned. To modify properties or values of a Cloned node, configure them by following the instructions in Configuring a message flow node.

You can configure an instance of a Cloned node when the node is dragged into a graphical data map. To configure the node, drag an assembly file from a file explorer to the node. The properties of the node are displayed in the Properties view.

All mandatory properties for which you must enter a value (those that do not have a default value defined) are marked with an asterisk.