You can remove a user-defined property override by using the IBM® App Connect Enterprise web user interface.
Before you begin
Read the following topics:
About this task
You can also apply a user-defined property override by using the IBM App Connect Enterpriseweb user interface. For more information, see Applying a user-defined property override in the IBM App Connect Enterprise web user interface.
- Start the web user interface, by using one of the following methods:
- From the IBM App Connect
Enterprise Toolkit: In the toolkit, right-click the
integration node or server and select Start web user interface from the
- From a web browser: Enter the URL for the web user interface into a web browser, in the
- protocol is either http or https
- hostname is the host that you specified in the host
property in the .yaml configuration file for the integration node or server
(for example, localhost or
- port identifies the port that is to be used for the web user interface and
the toolkit, and must match the value that you set for the port property in the
.yaml configuration file. By default the port is set to
In the web user interface, click the Open List of Options icon for the
required integration server, and select Open from the drop-down menu.
- If you are viewing all the available servers under the Servers tab, the
Open List of Options icon appears within the tile for each integration
- If you are viewing the content of an integration server under the
Contents tab, the Open List of Options icon appears in
the title bar for the integration server.
Click the Open List of Options icon for the required application, and
select Open from the drop-down menu. The Open List of
Options icon appears within the tile for each deployed application.
Click the Open List of Options icon for the required message flow, and
select Open from the drop-down menu. The Open List of
Options icon appears within the tile for each message flow.
Select the Properties tab for the message flow. The properties tab has a
list of properties and a list of user-defined properties.
Click Remove override to open the Remove user-defined
property override wizard.
In the drop-down menu in the Remove user-defined property override
wizard, select the user-defined property override that you want to remove.
Click Remove.
The original value of the user-defined property appears in the list of user-defined
properties. The Remove override button continues to appear next to the
Override user-defined-property button unless all of the user-defined property
overrides are removed. The Remove user-defined property override wizard