Configuring administration logging

Configure the logging of administration activity for an integration node or server by setting properties in the node.conf.yaml or server.conf.yaml configuration file.

Before you begin

Read the topic Viewing administration activity in the admin log.

About this task

The admin log is enabled by default. You can view the events that are held in memory by integration nodes or servers, either in the App Connect Enterprise web user interface or by using the administration REST API.

You can also configure an integration node or server to write the admin log data to a file, as described in Writing admin log entries to a file.

For independent integration servers, you can enable the admin log to write to the App Connect Enterprise console, by setting the consoleLog property in the AdminLog section of the server.conf.yaml file to true. By default, this value is set to false. You can specify the format of the admin log messages that are written to standard out by setting the consoleLogFormat property to ibmjson, text, or idText. If no value is set, the default format is idText. For example:

  #enabled: true                   # Control logging admin log messages. Set to true or false, default is true.
  # When enabled the maximum amount of disk space required for admin log files is
  #  fileLogRetentionPeriod * fileLogCountDaily * fileLogSize
  #fileLog: false                  # Control writing admin log messages to file. Set to true or false, default is false.
  #fileLogRetentionPeriod: 30      # Sets the number of days to record admin log.
                                   # After this, old files are deleted as new ones are created. Default is 30 days.
  #fileLogCountDaily: 10           # Maximum number of admin log files to write per day, default is 10 per day.
  #fileLogSize: 100                # Maximum size in MB for each admin log file. Maximum size is 2000MB, default size is 100MB.
  consoleLog: false                # Control writing admin log messages to standard out. Set to true or false, default is false.
  consoleLogFormat: 'idText'       # Control the format of admin log messages written to standard out. Set to idText, text or ibmjson, default is text if unset.
  #additionalJsonElements: '"name1": "value1", "name2": "value2"'    #When the consoleLogFormat is set to ibmjson the specified json elements are added to the root of the logging object
  #logServerStartStopDetail: true  # Control logging of detailed application and message flow messages during integration server startup and shutdown, default is true.
  #addNodeAndServerNameTags: false # Control addition of integration node and integration server name tags to all admin log messages, default is false.

You can disable the admin log by setting the enabled property to false.

The changes to the server.conf.yaml or node.conf.yaml file take effect only when the integration node or server is restarted.