Changing your locale on Windows

Change your system locale on Windows to view objects and information in a different language or code page.

About this task

Integration node are started as services on Windows, and are therefore influenced by the system locale. The command-line functions are influenced by the locale that is set for the current user. IBM® App Connect Enterprise on Windows has all locale information installed by default. However, you might have to install additional locale packages, if prompted to do so by the Windows operating system.

To change locale, use one of the following methods:

  • Install a locale-specific operating system.
  • Alter the system or user locale by selecting Regional Settings in the Control Panel.

Messages are sent to the Event Log in the code page set by the current locale.

You can use the chcp command to change the active console code page. Enter the command at a command prompt; if you enter chcp without a parameter, it displays the current setting. If you enter it with a code page, it changes the locale to that code page.

For example, to check the current code page setting:

Active code page: 437

The current page is displayed (437 represents US-ASCII). If you want to change the value to GB18030, enter:

C:\>chcp 54936
Active code page: 54936

Before you use a code page, search for windows-number where number is the active code page you want to use in the list of Supported code pages. If the code page is not in the list, either use a code page that is in the list, or generate a new code page converter.