Call Transaction Recorder wizard
The adapter provides the Call Transaction Recorder wizard to assist you in developing the ABAP handlers that use call transactions or BDC sessions.
The Call Transaction Recorder wizard enables you to generate sample code for call transactions to facilitate development. It generates sample code stubs for each screen that is modified during the recording phase.
To access this wizard, enter the /CWLD/HOME transaction in the SAP GUI.
following example is sample code that is generated by the wizard. You can
adopt this code in the ABAP Handler.
* Customer master: request screen chnge/displ cent.
perform dynpro_new using 'SAPMF02D' '0101' .
* Customer account number
perform dynpro_set using 'RF02D-KUNNR' '1' .
* Function Command
perform dynpro_set using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00' .
* Function Command
perform dynpro_set using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00' .
* Customer master: General data, CAM address, communication
perform dynpro_new using 'SAPMF02D' '0111' .
* Title
perform dynpro_set using 'SZA1_D0100-TITLE_MEDI' 'Mr.' .
* Function Command
perform dynpro_set using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=UPDA' .
* Call Transaction
Call Transaction 'XD02' using bdcdata
mode input_mode
update 'S'
messages into bdc_messages.
The wizard does not generate the required business object. You use the Adapter Connection wizard to generate the business object.