Adding and editing parameter groups

Edit parameter groups to control how pattern parameters are displayed to pattern users when they create pattern instances from a user-defined pattern.

Before you begin

Complete the following tasks:

About this task

After defining target properties, a default list of parameter groups is created. You can edit the default groups or add new groups.


  • To add a new group:
    1. In the Pattern Configuration tab of the Pattern Authoring editor, click Add Group.
      The Add Group window opens.
    2. Enter a display name for the group in the Display name field.
    3. Enter a description for the group in the Description field.
    4. The Generate help documentation check box is selected by default. If you do not want to show the help documentation for the parameters in the group, clear the Generate help documentation check box. To add help documentation for pattern parameters, see Defining the user interface.
    5. If you do not want the group to display with a surrounding box in the Configure Pattern Parameters page, clear the Display parameters in a group box check box.
      If a group is displayed in a group box, pattern users can expand or collapse the group box to display or hide the parameters in that group. Parameters in a group that is not shown in a group box are always visible.
    6. Click OK.
      The new group is shown in the Groups and Parameters list.
  • To edit an existing group:
    1. In the Pattern Configuration tab of the Pattern Authoring editor, double-click the group name that you want to edit, or select the group name and click Edit.
      The Edit Group window opens.
    2. To change the display name, enter a display name for the group in the Display name field.
    3. To change the description, enter a description for the group in the Description field.
    4. If you want to show help documentation for the parameters in the group, ensure the Generate help documentation check box is selected. To add help documentation for pattern parameters, see Defining the user interface.
    5. If you want the group to display with a surrounding box in the Configure Pattern Parameters page, ensure the Display parameters in a group box check box is selected.
      If a group is displayed in a group box, pattern users can expand or collapse the group box to display or hide the parameters in that group. Parameters in a group that is not shown in a group box are always visible.
    6. Click OK.
      The modified group is shown in the Groups and Parameters list.

What to do next

You can choose whether a parameter group is enabled based on the value of pattern parameters; see Enabling parameter groups.