Managing message flow resources

You can use applications, libraries, and integration projects to organize your resources.

Before you begin

About this task

You can use applications, libraries, and integration projects to build your solution. An application is a container for everything that you need for your solution. A library contains a set of resources that you might want to reuse for other solutions. You can refer to one or more libraries from an application. You can deploy your solution by dragging the appropriate resources onto an integration server, or by adding them to a BAR file.

Message flow projects have been replaced by integration projects. When you import resources from WebSphere® Message Broker Version 7.0, message flow projects are converted automatically to integration projects. You might want to convert your integration projects to applications or libraries, depending on the way in which you intend to use these resources.

You can choose the order in which you create your resources and their containers. For example, you can create a library before or after you create an application. The following section suggests a possible order in which to complete these tasks, depending on whether you are importing resources from a previous version or creating resources from scratch.

Starting by creating an application

About this task

The following steps describe how to build a solution by creating a container and filling it with resources.


  1. Create an application by following the instructions in Creating an application.
  2. Optional: Create a library by following the instructions in Creating a library.
  3. Create a message flow in your application by following the instructions in Creating a message flow.
  4. You can create a default broker schema when you create the message flow, but to create another broker schema, follow the instructions in Creating a broker schema.
  5. Create other resources that you need in the application or library by following the instructions in Creating resources in an application or Creating resources in a library.
  6. Refer to one or more libraries of resources from the application, as described in Referencing resources in other libraries.
  7. Deploy your solution by using one of the following methods.
    • Add your applications, libraries, and other required resources to a BAR file, and deploy the BAR file.
    • Deploy your resources by dragging them from the Application Development view onto an integration server. If your solution includes shared libraries, deploy them to the integration server before you deploy the applications that refer to them.
    For more information, see Deploying integration solutions.

Converting existing resources to applications and libraries

About this task

You can import resources from previous versions of IBM App Connect Enterprise and use them as a basis for an application or library.


  1. Export a project from a previous version in a Project Interchange file.
  2. Import the Project Interchange file to Version 13.0.
  3. Convert or add the project to an application or library by following the instructions in the appropriate topic: