Avoiding thread starvation on fan-in flows
Follow this guidance to avoid thread starvation on fan-in flows if the Control terminal of the AggregateControl node in your fan-out flow is connected to output control messages to a queue.
About this task
By not connecting the Control terminal, you can overcome the issues that are discussed here. For further information about connecting the Control terminal of the AggregateControl node, see Using control messages in aggregation flows.
The Aggregate Reply node has two input terminals: In and Control. The use of the Control terminal is optional. If you use both of these terminals, the MQInput nodes that supply the two terminals must not use threads from the message flow additional instance pool. If the nodes do use these threads, they compete for resources, and the Control terminal's MQInput node typically takes all available threads because it is activated before the In terminal.
Configure each MQInput node to use additional instances that are defined on the node, not at the message flow level.