Uninstalling IBM App Connect Enterprise on Windows

You can uninstall IBM® App Connect Enterprise on Windows by using the Windows Control Panel, or by using silent mode.

Before you begin

Delete any integration servers that are not required by removing the contents of their work directories.


Uninstall IBM App Connect Enterprise on Windows by completing the following steps.

  1. Log on to the computer on which IBM App Connect Enterprise is installed.
  2. Uninstall IBM App Connect Enterprise by using one of the following methods:
    • Windows Control Panel: Select Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, select the IBM App Connect Enterprise deployment that you want to uninstall, and click Uninstall.
    • Silent mode: Navigate to the directory where the installation file is located, and type the following command from an elevated command prompt (a command prompt where you have administrative privileges):
      ACESetup13.0.n.0.exe /q /uninstall


You uninstalled IBM App Connect Enterprise.
Note: The following entities are created after the installation of IBM App Connect Enterprise and so they are not removed by the uninstallation wizard. You can manually remove the entities if you do not want to keep them.
  • The IBM App Connect Enterprise configuration information in the work path directory; by default the work path directory is C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI.
  • The IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit workspace; by default the workspace is C:\Users\user_name\IBM\ACET13\workspace.
  • The IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit configuration folder; by default the configuration folder is C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\IBM\ACET13-config\13.0.n.0.
  • The Windows services that are associated with each local integration node that is defined on your computer (if you did not delete the integration nodes before you uninstalled IBM App Connect Enterprise). For example, IBM Integration Bus Component TESTNODE_user_name.