Adding an element reference

Reuse a global element that you have defined.

Before you begin

Create or open a DFDL schema file. See DFDL schema editor for a description of the DFDL schema editor.

About this task

After you have defined a global element, you can include a reference to it in a sequence or choice. You define the element only once, and can then easily reuse it. Any changes that you make to the element are automatically reflected in other objects that contain a reference to the element.


  1. In the Outline, select the message, element, type, or group that you want to add an element reference to.
  2. Right-click the selected object in the Editor area of the screen and select Add Element Reference.
  3. Select the appropriate element from the list.
    A reference to the element is inserted. An arrow on the icon next to the element name denotes that it is a reference to another element.