Identifying the .NET assembly at run time
The rules that govern how the .NET assembly is loaded from the integration node file system if it is not packaged in the BAR file.
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Application domains
About this task
- The AppDomain name property of a .NET node specifies the application domain in which the assembly is to be loaded. If a DotNet Application Domain policy is defined with the same name as the AppDomain name property of the node, the policy properties take precedence when the assembly is loaded. Such properties include the Application Base directory property.
- When an ESQL procedure invokes a .NET assembly, the signature of the procedure can specify the application domain in which the assembly must be loaded. If a DotNet Application Domain policy is defined with the name that is specified for the application domain in the signature of the ESQL procedure, the policy properties (for example the Application Base directory) take precedence when the assembly is loaded.
- The name of the application, if deployed within an IBM App Connect Enterprise application
- The name of the integration server, if deployed in a flow which is not defined within an IBM App Connect Enterprise application
If the application domain is determined by the name of the application or the name of the integration server, and a DotNet Application Domain policy is defined with the same name, the policy properties (for example, the Application Base directory) take precedence when the assembly is loaded. If the application name or integration server name includes space characters, these characters are ignored when the application name or integration server name is compared to the name of the policy.
Application base directory
About this task
- If the Application domain property refers to a policy, the
Application base property of the policy is used. Use this approach in
production environments. Note: The policy properties, including Application base, always take precedence even if you have deployed a .NET application domain that contains the assemblies to the run time. In this situation, to ensure that the .NET assembly is loaded from the .appdomainzip and not from the Application Base directory, ensure that the Application base property of the policy is blank.
- If the Assembly name property of the .NET node (or equivalent part of the ESQL procedure signature) specifies an absolute location in the file system, this full directory path is used as the Application Base directory.
- If the Assembly name property of the .NET node (or equivalent part of the ESQL procedure signature) specifies just the name of the .dll file with no path, the integration node uses a subdirectory of the runtime integration node's work path for the Application Base directory. This directory might change; consider using one of the alternative approaches.
Assembly loading and the Global Assembly Cache
About this task
You have to restart the integration server if you want to reload or update a Strong-Named assembly.