Schema types that are returned for each supported Java Object type

When you retrieve an entry from the global cache, the type of the Java™ object in the cache determines the schema type of the returned Value element.

The following table details the schema type of the Value element that is returned for each of the supported Java Object types.
Type of Java object that is in global cache Schema type of the Value element that is returned
java.lang.Boolean boolean
java.lang.Byte byte
java.math.BigDecimal decimal
java.lang.Double double
java.lang.Float float
java.lang.Integer int
java.lang.BigInteger integer
java.lang.Long long
java.lang.Short short
java.lang.String string
Note: If you map the returned Value element to a target element that has a different schema type, a type cast occurs; see Casting from primitive types to primitive types. The cast might fail if the schema types are incompatible. If the global cache entry was created by a Cache Put transform, the Java Object type of the cache entry is detailed in the following topic: Java Object types that are created for each schema input type.

For example, if a Cache Put transform maps an element of schema type xs:dateTime to a cache entry, the cache entry is created with a Java Object type of java.lang.String. If you use a Cache Get transform to retrieve the entry from the cache, the Value element is returned with a schema type of xs:string. In the nested mapping for the Cache Return transform, you can map the returned Value element to a target element of schema type xs:dateTime.