Deploying the HTTP proxy servlet on Apache Tomcat

Load and install the HTTP proxy servlet file on Apache Tomcat.

Before you begin

Before you deploy the HTTP proxy servlet, you must complete the following tasks:

About this task

Install and customize Apache Tomcat, and then deploy the HTTP proxy servlet by completing the following steps. The instructions assume that IBM App Connect Enterprise is installed and running on the same machine as Apache Tomcat.


  1. Download Apache Tomcat from the Apache Tomcat 9 download page.
  2. Run the Apache Tomcat installer and follow the instructions to complete the installation.
    Note: When prompted for the path to a Java™ virtual machine (JVM) you can use the JVM that is deployed with IBM App Connect Enterprise, for example C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\13.0.n.0\common\jdk\jre.
  3. Find the file

    This can be found at the following location:


    where Tomcat_installation_path is the name of your Apache Tomcat installation directory.

  4. Edit and locate the following line:
  5. Edit the line so that it includes the following text:
  6. Create the directory Tomcat_installation_path/shared/lib.
  7. Copy the following IBM MQ JAR files from WebSphere_MQ_installation_path\Java\lib to Tomcat_installation_path\shared\lib:
    • connector.jar
    The HTTP proxy servlet uses IBM MQ to communicate with IBM App Connect Enterprise.
  8. Start the Apache Tomcat Windows service.
  9. Open a web browser and enter the web address http://localhost:port where port is the HTTP port number you specified in the Apache Tomcat installation.
    The default value for the port is 8080.
    The Apache Tomcat home page is displayed.
  10. Click Tomcat Manager and enter the admin user ID and password.
  11. Scroll down to the section WAR file to deploy and click Browse.
  12. Navigate to the HTTP proxy servlet file that you exported from IBM App Connect Enterprise.
    For example, myproxyservlet.war.
    Note: By default in Apache Tomcat, the context root that is used by the HTTP proxy servlet is the same as the .war file name. You can rename the .war file before you deploy the HTTP proxy servlet in order to assign a different context root to the HTTP proxy servlet. For information about the context root, see Importance of the context root when you configure the HTTP proxy servlet. If you want the HTTP proxy servlet to use an empty context root (/), then you must rename the .war file to ROOT.war and uninstall the current default web application (the Tomcat Welcome page).
  13. Click Deploy.
  14. To test if the HTTP proxy servlet is active, enter the following URL in a web browser:
    Specifies the host name of your Apache Tomcat server.
    Specifies the port number of your Apache Tomcat server.
    Specifies the context root that you assigned to the HTTP proxy servlet.

    For example: http://localhost:8080/.

    If the HTTP proxy servlet can reach the integration node, you should get an HTTP Status 404 response with the following error message:
    URI / does not map to any message flow in integration node integration_node
    where integration_node is the name of your integration node.


The proxy servlet is deployed on your Apache Tomcat server.

What to do next

The HTTP proxy servlet is now ready to be tested with an integration node that receives HTTP (not HTTPS) requests and passes them to a message flow. For information about how to complete this task, see Testing the HTTP proxy servlet.