Using local environment variables with LoopBackRequest nodes

The LoopBackRequest node supports a number of local environment message tree variables, which you can use to dynamically alter the values that are set in the node properties.

The following table shows the environment variables that can be set to control the behavior of the LoopBackRequest node. The table includes examples of how to set the value by using ESQL; however, you can also set them by using transformation nodes, such as a Mapping node. To access the LocalEnvironment from a Mapping node, see Customizing a message map to include a message assembly component.
Local environment variable Type Description
LocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.operation string The operation to be requested on the external system:
  • Create
  • Update
  • Retrieve
  • Delete

This environment variable overrides the Operation property on the LoopBackRequest node.

LocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.object string The object for the request.

This environment variable overrides the LoopBack object property on the LoopBackRequest node, and applies for all operations. string The LoopBack® object ID of the record to be accessed by this request. This value is used for the following operations:
  • Retrieve (optional)

    This environment variable causes a single record to be retrieved, and takes precedence over the externalId, filter, and filterString environment variables.

  • Update (optional)

    This environment variable causes a single record to be updated, and takes precedence over the externalId environment variable. If this environment variable is not set, either the externalId or filter.where environment variable must be set.

  • Delete (optional)

    This environment variable causes a single record to be deleted, and takes precedence over the externalId environment variable. If this environment variable is not set, either the externalId or filter.where environment variable must be set.

This Id is assigned to a record when it is created on the external system.

LocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.externalIdName string The name of an external ID field of a record in the external system. This value is used for the following operations:
  • Retrieve (optional)

    Causes a set of records that have the field name specified in this environment variable to be retrieved.

  • Update (optional)

    Causes a set of records that have the field name specified in this environment variable to be updated.

  • Delete (optional)

    Causes a set of records that have the field name specified in this environment variable to be deleted.

LocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.externalId string The external ID of a record in the external system. This value is used for the following operations:
  • Retrieve (optional)

    Causes a set of records that have the external ID values given in this environment variable to be retrieved. This variable takes precedence over filter.where and filterString environment variables.

  • Update (optional)

    Causes a set of records that have the external ID values given in this environment variable to be updated.

    If neither the Id nor filter.where environment variable is set, this variable is required.

  • Delete (optional)

    Causes a set of records that have the external ID values given in this environment variable to be deleted.

    If neither the Id nor filter.where environment variable is set, this variable is required.

LocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filterString string A pre-built string format of the JSON filter object for this request. Used only for Retrieve (optional). You can use it to set any filter that the connector supports, for example:
{"where": {"and": [{"thing1":"isOne"}, {"thing2":"isTwo"}]}}

If filterString and filter.where are both specified, only filterString is used.

LocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter structure The filter to be used for restricting the records acted upon by an operation.
  • Retrieve (optional)

    Restricts the records returned by a Retrieve operation.

    You can specify the following sub-fields to set parts of the JSON filter object for this request:
    • where
    • limit
    • skip
    • order
    • field
  • Update (optional)

    Restricts the records updated by an Update operation to those that are specified by the where sub-field.

  • Delete (optional)

    Restricts the records deleted by a Delete operation to those that are specified by the where sub-field.

For more information, see Filtering the records retrieved through a LoopBack connector.

LocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.timeoutMilliseconds integer The time (in milliseconds) that the node waits for the external system to process the operation.

This environment variable overrides the Timeout (milliseconds) property on the LoopBackRequest node.