Using control messages with the Collector node
You can send control messages to the Collector node in order to control how complete message collections are propagated to other nodes in your message flow.
Before you begin
This task assumes that you have already created a message flow that contains a Collector node. For more information, see Creating a flow that uses message collections.
About this task
- All complete collections
- First complete collection
Incomplete message collections that have exceeded the value for Collection expiry are immediately propagated to the Expire terminal regardless of the setting of Event coordination.
If you want to propagate any complete message collections after a set amount of time for further processing, connect a TimeoutNotification node to the Control terminal of the Collector node. You can use the TimeoutNotification node to send a control message to propagate the message collections to ensure that messages are processing within a reasonable time, or to schedule processing tasks.
For more information about driving a message flow using the TimeoutNotification node, see Automatically generating messages to drive a flow.
Alternatively, you can propagate complete message collections using a message from another application or message flow by connecting an input node to the Control terminal of the Collector node.
You can send any message to the Control terminal of the Collector node. The message received on the Control terminal is not examined by the integration node and is discarded on receipt.