Starting Designer Authoring by running the Designer command

Start Designer Authoring by running the Designer command.

Before you begin

  • Your installed version of IBM® App Connect Enterprise must be or later to be able to use Designer Authoring and the Designer command.

  • Read about the concepts of Designer Authoring as described in Designer Authoring overview.

About this task

When you run the Designer command, Designer Authoring is launched in your default web browser.


  1. Start Designer Authoring by running the Designer command.
    The command has some optional parameters, including --designer-directory and --vault-key but you can run it with no parameters. For example:
    The Designer Authoring tool opens in your web browser.

If you did not include the optional parameter --vault-key key when you ran the Designer command, the Designer Authoring tool prompts you to enter your vault key to enable your access to the tool.

  1. Optional: Type in the value for key and click Unlock vault. If you forget your credentials, click Reset vault and follow the on-screen instructions.

    For more information about the Designer command, see Designer command.

What to do next

If you know in advance which connectors you want to use in your flow, you can create an account for each designer connector by completing Creating accounts. Alternatively, if you need to decide which connectors to use during flow creation, you can create the accounts by completing the required step in Creating an event driven flow.