Defining IBM MQ resources

An application client can run on a computer anywhere in the IBM® MQ network. If your applications use IBM MQ facilities to connect to the integration node, and to interact with it (by using the MQI and AMI), you must set up the IBM MQ resources that they require.

About this task

The way that you set up applications is identical to the setup for clients for an IBM MQ server. To support client connections to an integration node:


  1. If the application runs on the same computer as the integration node, it can establish a local connection with the integration node queue manager by using MQCONN, and you do not have to define any IBM MQ resources to support it.
  2. If the application runs on the same computer as another queue manager in the IBM MQ network, it can establish a local connection to that queue manager. In this scenario, you must define the appropriate resource to support communications between the queue manager to which the client has connected and the queue manager that hosts the integration node that provides the required service.
  3. If the application runs on a computer that does not support a queue manager, it must make a client connection to a queue manager on another computer:
    • The integration node queue manager

      You must set up the appropriate client connection and server connection definitions to support this option.

    • Another queue manager in the network

      You must set up the appropriate client connection and server connection definitions to support this option, and ensure that definitions are in place to support communications between the queue manager to which the client has connected, and the queue manager that hosts the integration node that provides the required service.


An application can get messages only from queues that are owned by the queue manager to which it is connected (this restriction is true for all IBM MQ applications). Therefore, if an application expects to receive messages from a queue populated by a service within a particular integration node and owned by that integration node queue manager, it must connect to that integration node queue manager (by using a local or IBM MQ client connection).

An application that puts messages, however, can be connected to any queue manager in the IBM MQ network, if the queue manager can resolve the target destination in some way. In all cases, the queue manager to which the client application is connected must know the location of the queue or queues to which the application puts messages (for example, by using remote queue definitions).

When you define an IBM MQ queue for a node in a message flow, you must not give it a name that starts with SYSTEM_BROKER. Names that include these characters are reserved for queues that are defined for internal use by IBM App Connect Enterprise components.

If your application is a subscriber that receives messages published by other applications, it can specify a temporary dynamic queue as its subscriber queue. If it does so, the integration node automatically deregisters the subscription when the queue is deleted.

For more details about applications, putting and getting messages, and the use of IBM MQ clients, see the Clients and Application Programming Guide sections of the IBM MQ product documentation online.