Integration service web page
The integration service web page contains links to the JavaScript client API file, details of the JavaScript client API methods, details of the errors that might be returned from the integration service, and sample code that a JavaScript developer can add to a JavaScript application to call the JavaScript client API.
- File
- The File section contains a link to the service_name.js file,
where service_name is the name
of the integration service. In
the example, the file is called creditReport.js.
The file can be downloaded by clicking the link.Note: You only need to download the file if you are developing a Node.js application.
- Methods
- The Methods section contains details of each method that is defined
in the integration service. If
there is more than one method that is defined in the integration service, then, at
the top of the section, there are links to each method
and you can click a link to navigate directly to the
detail of the associated method.
For each method, there is a description, a list of the input and output objects, and any faults that are defined. The following image shows an example of a method, with the names of the input and output objects, and the names of two defined faults.
For each method, there is a coding sample that you can copy and paste into your JavaScript application. The coding sample includes the following elements:- Sections that you might need to uncomment, depending on whether
you are developing a JavaScript application
for a Node.js environment, or for a web browser environment.
- For more information about changing the host name and port that are associated with the integration service when you are developing an application for a Node.js environment, see Specifying the host name and port of the integration service.
- For more information about referencing the dojo.js module and the JavaScript client API file that are associated with the integration service when you are developing an application for a web browser-based environment, see Referencing the dojo.js module and the JavaScript client API file.
- A comment that details the structure of the output variable, so that you know how to retrieve data from the integration service response.
- One or more comments that detail the structure of any possible
faults, so that you know how to handle errors
that are returned from the integration service. Note: There is always a fault definition (unexpected error JSON variable) to represent any exception that is generated by IBM App Connect Enterprise. For more information about the different types of exceptions you might receive, see Exception list structure and Exception list tree. There might be one or more fault definitions (fault JSON variables) to represent any fault that is defined in the integration service.
- Code for the input JSON variable. You amend the values for each element to be the values that you want to send to the integration service.
- Code for the JavaScript routine that calls the integration service.
For information about the JSON conventions that are used in the JavaScript client API, and the limitations that are associated with the use of the API, see JSON conventions for calling an integration service by using a JavaScript client API.
The following is the coding sample for one of the methods that is defined in the example integration service:/* Uncomment these lines if you are developing in a Node.js environment. require("http"); require("./creditReport"); IBMIntegration.creditReport.IBMContext.hostname = ""; IBMIntegration.creditReport.IBMContext.port = 7800; */ /* Uncomment these lines and put them in the <head> element of your HTML if you are developing in a browser environment. <script type="text/javascript" src="/creditReport?resource=dojo.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/creditReport?resource=creditReport.js"></script> */ /* This is an example of the output JSON variable. var getApprovalResponseVar = { "approval" : { "customer" : { "id" : "idValue" , "fName" : "fNameValue" , "lName" : "lNameValue" } , "account" : { "sortCode" : "sortCodeValue" , "accNo" : "accNoValue" , "accType" : "accTypeValue" } , "approved" : true } , "balance" : { "customer" : { "id" : "idValue" , "fName" : "fNameValue" , "lName" : "lNameValue" } , "account" : { "sortCode" : "sortCodeValue" , "accNo" : "accNoValue" , "accType" : "accTypeValue" } , "balance" : 1.0 } }; */ /* This is an example of the unexpected error JSON variable. The penultimate property contains the actual exception thrown in IIB. Search the product documentation for 'exception list structure' to view the different types of exceptions and their contents. var unexpectedErrorVar = { "errName" : "Exception", ... "Label" : "{Label of the node where the exception occurred}", ... "{Exception name}" : {// penultimate property ... exception details ... }, "Input" : { ... input message that caused this exception ... } }; */ /* This is an example of the fault JSON variable. var getApprovalFault1Var = { "errName" : "getApprovalFault1", "getApprovalFault1" : "getApprovalFault1Value" }; */ /* This is an example of the fault JSON variable. var getApprovalFault2Var = { "errName" : "getApprovalFault2", "getApprovalFault2" : { "identifier" : "identifierValue" , "message" : "messageValue" } }; */ /* This is an example of the input JSON variable. */ var getApprovalVar = { "customer" : { "id" : "idValue" , "fName" : "fNameValue" , "lName" : "lNameValue" } , "account" : { "sortCode" : "sortCodeValue" , "accNo" : "accNoValue" , "accType" : "accTypeValue" } }; IBMIntegration.creditReport.getApproval( getApprovalVar, function( err, getApprovalResponseVar ){ if (err) { console.log(" Failure for IBMIntegration.creditReport.getApproval() "); var errName = err.errName; if ( errName == "getApprovalFault1") { console.log("Fault getApprovalFault1 occurred."); } else if ( errName == "getApprovalFault2") { console.log("Fault getApprovalFault2 occurred."); } else if ( errName == "Exception") { console.log("Unexpected error occurred."); //To see the full details of the error, use JSON.stringify(err); //To retrieve only the exception, navigate to the penultimate property within the error var keys = Object.keys(err); console.log("Exception type: " + keys[keys.length-2]); } } else { console.log(" Success for IBMIntegration.creditReport.getApproval() "); } } );
- Sections that you might need to uncomment, depending on whether
you are developing a JavaScript application
for a Node.js environment, or for a web browser environment.