Building the main message flow

You can construct a sample main message flow to use with WS-Addressing.

About this task

These steps are the first in a set of instructions on setting up your system to use WS-Addressing with IBM® App Connect Enterprise; they explain how to set up a message flow to use this feature. This topic describes how to construct a sample main message flow when using WS-Addressing.


  1. Switch to the Integration Development perspective.
  2. Create message flow and message set projects using the Start from WSDL and/or XSD files wizard.
  3. Select the Web Services folder on the message flow palette to display the contents, and drag a SOAPInput node onto the canvas.
  4. Add a SOAPExtract node to the message flow to remove the SOAP envelope from the incoming message, followed by a SOAPReply node. Wire the Out terminal of the SOAPInput node to the In terminal of the SOAPExtract node, and wire the Out terminal of the SOAPExtract node to the In terminal of the SOAPReply node.
  5. Select the WSDL file that you need under Deployable WSDL from the Active Working Set, and drag it onto the SOAPInput node.
    The SOAPInput node is configured with the WSDL.
  6. Select the Construction folder on the message flow palette to display the contents.
  7. Select a Trace node and move the mouse to the right of the SOAPExtract node.
    1. Click the left mouse button to add the node to the message flow.
      The name is selected automatically.
    2. Press Enter to accept the default name.
    3. Wire the submitPORequest terminal of the SOAPExtract node to the In terminal of the Trace node.
  8. Select the Trace node to display the properties.
    1. Use the menu to set Destination to File
    2. Set the File path that you require.
    3. Enter the Pattern that you require.
  9. Expand the Routing folder on the palette and select Filter.
  10. Add the Filter node to the right of the Trace node.
    1. Type the name for the node that you require and press Enter.
    2. Wire the Out terminal of the Trace node to the In terminal of the Filter node.
  11. Select the Filter node to display the properties.
    1. Enter the Data source name that you require.
    2. Change the name of Filter expression to the name that you selected for the Filter node.
    3. Clear the Throw exception on database error check box.
  12. Double-click the Filter node to open the ESQL editor.
    Create or change the ESQL for the node; for more information, see Creating ESQL for a node and Modifying ESQL for a node.
  13. Expand the Transformation folder on the palette and select a Mapping node.
  14. Add the Mapping node to the right of the Filter node.
    1. Type the name for the node that you require and press Enter.
    2. Wire the True terminal of the Filter node to the In terminal of the Mapping node.
    3. Wire the Out terminal of the Mapping node to the In terminal of the Reply node.
  15. Select the Mapping node to display the properties, and change the name of the Mapping routine if required.
  16. Double-click the Mapping node to open the mapping editor.
    1. Select submitPORequest as the map input.
    2. Select SOAP_Domain_msg as the map output.
    3. Click OK
    The created map provides the default mapping for the Message Assembly Properties.
  17. Expand the SOAP_Domain_Msg then Body in the output pane.
  18. Right-click Wildcard Message in the output pane, then select submitPORequest on the input, and drag it to an element in the output below the body.
  19. Set the transform type to Submap and then, in the list of properties, click New.. to create the new submap.
  20. In the New Map wizard for the submap, select submitPORequest as the input, and select submitPOResponse as the output.
  21. Click OK to create the submap and enter the Graphical Data Mapping editor.
  22. Expand the submitPORequest input tree and the submitPOResponse output tree and wire the required transforms from the input elements to the output.
  23. Save the main map and the submap.