CDOutput node

Use the CDOutput node when using IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct® with IBM App Connect Enterprise.

Information about file transfers is held on storage queues that are controlled by IBM MQ, so you must install IBM MQ on the same computer as your integration server if you want to use the capabilities that are provided by the CDOutput node. The storage queues that hold the transfer information are owned by the queue manager that is specified on the integration server. You must also create the system queues that are required by the CDOutput node (see Creating the default system queues on an IBM MQ queue manager).

This topic contains the following sections:


Use the CDOutput node to serialize the message tree to a file and then transfer it between two Connect:Direct servers. A directory under the work path within the integration server is used as the staging area, until the file is ready to be transferred. Once the file is transferred, it is deleted from the staging area.

The CDOutput node is contained in the IBM Sterling C:D drawer of the palette, and is represented in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit by the following icon:

CDOutput node icon

Using this node in a message flow

You can use the CDOutput node in conjunction with another transport input node, for example, MQInput. Any data received from IBM MQ is sent to the CDOutput node which writes the file to an internal directory using the file name given on the node. The file is then transferred across to the destination Connect:Direct server, where it is written to the directory and file name given on the node.

Terminals and properties

The CDOutput node terminals are described in the following table:

Terminal Description
In The input terminal that accepts a message for processing by the node.
Finish File The input terminal that accepts a message that triggers the final processing of a file.
Out The message received on the In terminal is propagated to this terminal if the record is written successfully. The message is unchanged except for status information in the Local Environment.
End of Data The message received on the Finish File terminal is propagated to this terminal if the file is processed successfully.
Failure The output terminal to which the message is routed if a failure is detected when a message is propagated.

The following tables describe the node properties that you can set on a specified tab. The column headed M indicates whether the property is mandatory (marked in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit with an asterisk if you must enter a value when no default is defined). The column headed C indicates whether the property is configurable (you can change the value when you add the message flow to the BAR file to deploy it).

When the CDOutput node propagates a message, either to the Out terminal or to the End of Data terminal, it stores information about it in the LocalEnvironment.WrittenDestination.CD message tree.

You can override the:
  • Secondary Connect:Direct server (SNODE)name
  • Process name
  • Accounting data
  • Destination file directory
  • Destination file name
  • Copy from options including SYSOPTS
  • Copy to options including SYSOPTS
by making changes to the LocalEnvironment.Destination.CD message tree; see Using local environment variables with file nodes for more information.

Description properties

Property M C Default Description
Node name No No CDOutput The name of the node.
Short Description No No None A brief description of the node.
Long Description No No None Text that describes the purpose of the node in the message flow.

Basic properties

Property M C Default Description mqsiapplybaroverride command property
SNODE No Yes The same as the PNODE being used The secondary Connect:Direct server (SNODE) to which the file is being transferred.

If this is not set, the file is transferred back to the primary Connect:Direct server server (PNODE).

You must set up a Netmap in the netmap.cfg file on the PNODE to ensure that the transfer reaches the SNODE.

The Netmap entry for this SNODE must contain the operating system type in the appropriate field. If the PNODE is on a UNIX operating system, you must use the description field in the Netmap to store this information.

The description must contain the string remoteos=xxx , where the value is Windows, UNIX or OS390. For example, Windows would be :descrip=remoteos=Windows:\

The CDOutput node cannot be used to transfer to a SNODE on operating systems other than these.

Destination file directory No Yes Empty string The directory to which the file is being transferred on the secondary Connect:Direct server (SNODE).

Note that the directory must exist.

If this field is left blank, the default directory is used by the SNODE.

Destination file name Yes Yes None The specific file name or a pattern containing a single wildcard that defines the name of the file to be created by the secondary Connect:Direct server (SNODE).

The File name can be a pattern that contains a single wildcard. The wildcard value is taken from the element in the local environment folder called LocalEnvironment.Wildcard.WildcardMatch . This value is normally set by CDInput or FileInput nodes.

For example, if the CDInput node sets its file pattern to *.in, it matches the file as "test". If the CDOutput node's file pattern is set to *.out, the "test" is substituted to make a file name of test.out.

The file name must be set, but can be overridden using the local environment field LocalEnvironment.Destination.CD.Name

You can specify sequential datasets or partitioned data set members. For whole, sequential data sets, specify the full name for the dataset, for example, MBUSER.TEST1

For a member within a partitioned dataset, use brackets to specify the member name, for example, MBUSER.TEST(MEME01).

One wildcard character can be used anywhere within a dataset name, and works in the same way as for normal file name patterns.

CD Server Policy No Yes Default The name of the policy to use to connect to the primary Connect:Direct server (PNODE), in order to initiate the transfer (see Connect:Direct Server policy (CDServer)). Specify the name of the policy project and the policy in the format {policyProjectName}:PolicyName.

If this value is not set, the default policy (named "Default") is used.

The default policy connects to a PNODE that is located on the same machine as the integration server, and using default port configurations.

The default policy also uses the "default" security identity, which must be created using the mqsisetdbparms command; for example: mqsisetdbparms -w c:\workdir\ACEServ1 -n cd::default -u mqbroker -p xxxxxxx

Process name No Yes None The name used for the process script generated to send the file from the primary Connect:Direct server (PNODE) to the secondary Connect:Direct server (SNODE).

Use this option if you want to identify this transfer uniquely.

If this value is not set, the process name WMBPROC is used.

You can use any name you want in the process script. Note, however, that the name must be a maximum of eight characters and cannot contain any spaces.

Disposition Yes Yes RPL - replace file How to create the file on the secondary system:
  • RPL - Replace or create a new file
  • MOD - Append to existing file.
  • NEW - Create a new file

You can override these values in the local environment by using: LocalEnvironment.Destination.CD.Copy.To.Option.SPACE =

Transfer Mode yes Yes Binary transfer (no conversion)

The mode in which to transfer the file.

binary - The file is transferred as binary, with no conversion

text - The file is transferred with conversion between local codepages, as required.


Request properties

Property M C Default Description
Data location No No $Body The location in the input message tree that contains the record to be written to the output file. The default value, $Body, means the entire message.

Records and Elements properties

Property M C Default Description
Record definition Yes No Record is Whole File Specifies how records are placed in the output file. Valid options are:
  • Record is Whole File
  • Record is Unmodified Data
  • Record is Fixed Length Data
  • Record is Delimited Data
Length (bytes) Yes No 80 The required length of the output record. The property is available only when Record is Fixed Length Data is specified in Record definition.
Padding byte (hexadecimal) Yes No 20 The 2-digit hexadecimal byte to be used to pad short messages. The property is available only when Record is Fixed Length Data is specified in Record definition.
Delimiter Yes No Broker System Line End The delimiter to be used. The property is available only when Record is Delimited Data is specified in Record definition. Valid options are:
  • Broker System Line End
  • Custom Delimiter (hexadecimal)
Custom delimiter (hexadecimal) Yes No None The delimiter byte sequence to be used. The property is available only when Record is Delimited Data is specified in the Record definition property, and Custom Delimiter (hexadecimal) is specified in the Delimiter property.
Delimiter type Yes No Postfix This property specifies how delimiters are to be inserted between records. The property is available only when Record is Delimited Data is specified in Record definition. Valid options are:
  • Postfix
  • Infix

Validation properties

For a full description of these properties, see Validation properties.

Property M C Default Description mqsiapplybaroverride command property
Validate Yes Yes Inherit This property controls whether validation takes place. Valid values are:
  • None
  • Content and Value
  • Content
  • Inherit
Failure action Yes No Exception This property controls what happens if validation fails. The property is available only if you set Validate to Content or Content and Value. Valid values are:
  • User Trace
  • Local Error Log
  • Exception
  • Exception List
The Monitoring properties of the node are described in the following table.
Property M C Default Description
Events No No None Events that you define for the node are displayed on this tab. By default, no monitoring events are defined on any node in a message flow. Use Add, Edit, and Delete to create, change, or delete monitoring events for the node; see Configuring monitoring event sources by using monitoring properties for details.

You can enable and disable events that are shown here by selecting or clearing the Enabled check box.