SWIFT messaging standard

SWIFT supplies secure, standardized messaging services and interface software to financial institutions.

Swift is a cooperative owned by the financial industry. For more information about the SWIFT messaging standard, see the SWIFT community website.

SWIFT FIN messages can be modeled by using DFDL or MRM Tagged/Delimited String Format (TDS). SWIFT XML messages can be modeled by using XML Schema. A predefined DFDL solution or message set solution for SWIFT can be purchased from IBM®. See the IBM MQ SupportPacs web page.

The high-level block structure of a SWIFT message is shown in the following table.

SWIFT message high level block structure

Block name Format
Basic header {1:...}
Application header {2:...}
User header {3:...}
Text {4:...}
Trailer {5:...}

When they are concatenated in a message, the blocks appear as: {1:...}{2:...}{3:...}{4:...}{5:...}

If you use MRM to model SWIFT, you can model the blocks by using the following type properties for the message:

Data Element Separation = Tagged Delimited
Group Indicator = {
Delimiter = }{
Group Terminator = } 
Tag Data Separator = :  

Each block is modeled as a complex element with element Tag property values of 1,2,3,4, and 5 respectively.

The text body of the message has the following format:


You can model the complex type of the Text body by setting the following type properties:

Data Element Separation = Tagged Delimited
Group Indicator = <CR><LF>:
Delimiter = <CR><LF>:
Group Terminator = <CR><LF>-
Tag Data Separator = :

The Tag property of the elements within the body has values of 20, 32A, 72, and so on.