Built-in nodes

IBM® App Connect Enterprise supplies built-in nodes that you can use to define your message flows.

The built-in nodes that are provided in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit are divided into two groups in the node palette: Toolbox and Connectors. The nodes in the Toolbox category provide functions for transforming, manipulating, collating, and enhancing messages, creating subflows and callable flows, making decisions, controlling time-sensitive operations, and handling and reporting errors. Connectivity nodes enable direct connections from applications and can be used to send direct requests to other application endpoints. They can also be used to connect to various subsystems including IBM MQ, files, and databases, to read and write existing application data, and to support protocols such as TCP/IP, MQTT, and HTTP.

Discovery connector nodes are a subset of connector nodes that contain properties whose values are set through a process of connector discovery. You can use discovery connector request nodes to connect to an application endpoint and issue requests to complete actions on business objects, such as creating a new contact. You can use the discovery connector input nodes to monitor an application endpoint for events and accept input when a specified event occurs. To configure a discovery connector input or request node, you launch the Connector Discovery wizard from the property editor for the node in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, set values for the discovered connector properties in the wizard, and then return the values to the node in the toolkit. The property values that you set in the Connector Discovery wizard are then visible on the tabs in the node property editor in the toolkit, where you can save them as part of the node configuration.

For information about each of these built-in nodes, use the following links.



Discovery connectors:

The mode in which IBM App Connect Enterprise is running can affect the types of node that you can use; see Restrictions that apply in each operation mode.

Note: The following nodes, which were available in earlier versions, are not supported in IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0.
  • DecisionService node
  • MQOptimizedFlow node
  • PHPCompute node
  • Real-timeInput node
  • Real-timeOptimizedFlow node
  • SCAInput node
  • SCAReply node
  • SCAAsyncRequest node
  • SCAAsyncResponse node
  • SCARequest node
  • SCADAInput node
  • SCADAOutput node