iibcreateswitchcfg command

Use the iibcreateswitchcfg command to create the configuration files that are used to configure the Switch server and connectivity agent for callable flows that are split across different integration servers.

Supported platforms

  • Windows
  • Linux®
  • AIX®


You can split message flow processing so that a callable message flow in one location can call another callable flow in another location. A callable flow can call another callable flow in the same integration server or a different integration server. (You can also split message flow processing between IBM® App Connect Enterprise and IBM App Connect Enterprise as a Service.) If your callable flow is in a different integration server, you must create a Switch server to route the data between the flows. You use the iibswitch command to create the Switch server.

The iibswitch command requires a configuration file to create the Switch server. If your callable flows are in different integration servers, you must first create the configuration files by running the iibcreateswitchcfg command. This command generates configuration files for the Switch server and for the connectivity agents that enable secure connectivity to the Switch server. You use the mqsichangeproperties command to configure the connectivity agents for each integration server.


Syntax for Windows

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram iibcreateswitchcfg /outputdirectory/hostnamehostname/fsportportnumber/bsportportnumber/adminportportnumber/dnamedistinguishedname/keyalgkeyalgorithm/keysizekeysize/sigalgsignaturealgorithm/validityvalidityperiod/passwordprivatekeypwd

Syntax for Linux and AIX

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram iibcreateswitchcfg -outputdirectory-hostnamehostname-fsportportnumber-bsportportnumber-adminportportnumber-dnamedistinguishedname-keyalgkeyalgorithm-keysizekeysize-sigalgsignaturealgorithm-validityvalidityperiod-passwordprivatekeypwd


(Optional) The output directory in which to save the configuration files. The default location is the current directory. You must be able to write to the specified directory.
hostname hostname
(Optional) The host name of the connection agent. The default host name is localhost.
fsport portnumber
(Optional) The front-side port for the connection agent. The default port number is 9011.
bsport portnumber
(Optional) The back-side port for the connection agent. The default port number is 9010.
adminport portnumber
(Optional) The administration port for the connection agent. The default port number is 9012.
dname distinguishedname
(Optional) The distinguished name for the generated certificates. The default distinguished name is cn=<host>.
keyalg keyalgorithm
(Optional) The key algorithm for generated certificates. The default key algorithm is RSA.
keysize keysize
(Optional) The key size for the generated certificates. The default key size is 2048.
sigalg signaturealgorithm
(Optional) The signature algorithm for the generated certificates. The default signature algorithm is SHA256withRSA.
validity validityperiod
(Optional) The validity period, in days, for the generated certificates. The default validity is 3 * 365.
password privatekeypwd
(Optional) The private key password for the generated certificates. The default password is password.


Create the configuration files for the connection agent and save them in the temp directory.

Windows platformOn Windows:
iibcreateswitchcfg /output c:\temp
Linux platformOn Linux:
iibcreateswitchcfg -output /temp
AIX platformOn AIX:
iibcreateswitchcfg -output /temp
If this command is successful, you see the following responses:
Generated self signed certificate file 'c:\temp\adminClient.p12'
Generated switch server configuration file 'c:\temp\switchserver.json'
Generated connectivity agents configuration file 'c:\temp\switchclient.json'
The adminClient.p12 file contains certificates and is reserved for future use. The file switchserver.json is the configuration file that is used by the iibswitch command to create the Switch server. The file switchclient.json is the configuration file that is used by the mqsichangeproperties command to configure the connectivity agents to connect securely to the Switch server. For more information about the mqsichangeproperties command, see mqsichangeproperties command.