ibmint package command
Use the ibmint package command to package resources into a bar file.
Usage notes
- Your installed version of IBM® App Connect Enterprise must be or later to be able to run the ibmint package command.
Supported platforms
- Windows
- Linux®
- Linux on POWER®
- Linux on Z
- AIX®
- IBM z/OS® Container Extensions (zCX)
You can use the ibmint package command to package resources into a bar file in preparation for deploying the bar file.
- inputSource
- The input source for the command.
'inputSource' Must be at least one of the following values (a), or (b):
- The name of the input BAR file to compile and package.
- The directory to scan for resources to compile and package.
- The name of the output BAR file to write the content to.
- (Optional) The name of the file that contains the overrides to apply.
- (Optional) The path of the file that contains the keywords to apply.
- (Optional) Prevent compilation of Java resources.
- (Optional) Enable compilation of maps and schemas.
- (Optional) The name of the project to package. If you do not specify a project, all available projects are packaged. If you specify a project that does not exist, nothing is packaged and the command fails.
- (Optional) Use this parameter to send verbose internal trace to the specified file.
- (Optional) Use this parameter to display help information about the command.
Package the contents of the directory
C:\myResources into the BAR file
ibmint package --input-path C:\myResources --output-bar-file C:\bars\myBAR
Package the contents of the BAR file
C:\myBARS\ into the BAR file
C:\myBARS\ Prevent compilation of Java
ibmint package --input-bar-file C:\myBARS\ --output-bar-file C:\myBARS\ --do-not-compile-java
Package the contents of the BAR file
C:\myBARS\ into the BAR file
C:\myBARS\ Apply the overrides from the file
C:\myFiles\overrides.txt, prevent compilation of Java resources, and send
verbose internal trace to the specified
ibmint package --input-bar-file C:\myBARS\ --output-bar-file C:\myBARS\ --overrides-file C:\myFiles\overrides.txt --do-not-compile-java --trace C:\files\mytracefile.txt
ibmint package --input-path ./IBM/ACET12/workspace --output-bar --project myproject