ibmint deploy command

Use the ibmint deploy command to deploy resources from sources to an output destination.

Usage notes

  • Your installed version of IBM® App Connect Enterprise must be or later to be able to run the ibmint deploy command.

Supported platforms

  • Windows
  • Linux®
  • Linux on POWER®
  • Linux on Z
  • AIX®
  • IBM z/OS® Container Extensions (zCX)


You can use the ibmint deploy command to deploy resources from sources to an output destination.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramibmint deploy --input-bar-file filePath --input-path directory --output-host host--output-portport --output-host host--output-portport--output-serverserverName--output-node nodeName --integration-node-filefilePath--output-serverserverName --output-nodenodeName--output-serverserverName --output-work-directorydirectory --overrides-file filePath --do-not-compile-java  --compile-maps-and schemas  --project projectName --tracefilePath --restart-all-applications  --help 


You must specify at least one parameter to identify the input source in one of the following forms (a) or (b):

(a)--input-bar-file filePath
The name of the input BAR file to compile and deploy.
--input-path directory
The directory to scan for resources to compile and deploy.

You must specify at least one parameter to identify the output destination in one of the following forms (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e):

(a)--output-host host --output-port port
The hostname or IP address, and the port number of a remote independent integration server.

If you want to connect to a secured integration server as a specific user, provide the security credentials as a URI in the following format: tcp://user:password@hostname. If your password contains URI Reserved characters, you must convert these characters to the percent-encoded format. For more information, see A correct URL and password returns error BIP1939 when you attempt to connect to a remote host name in Resolving problems when running commands.

(b)--output-host host --output-port port --output-server serverName --output-node nodeName
These parameters identify the host, port , serverName , and nodeName of a remote integration server for connections that do not require advanced connection parameters.
  • --output-host host: The hostname or IP address of the computer on which the integration node is running.
  • --output-port port: The port on which the web user interface HTTP connection listener is listening.
  • --output-server serverName: The name of the remote integration server.
  • --output-node nodeName: This parameter is optional for validation.

    If you want to connect to a secured integration node as a specific user, provide the security credentials as a URI in the following format: tcp://user:password@hostname. If your password contains URI Reserved characters, you must convert these characters to the percent-encoded format. For more information, see A correct URL and password returns error BIP1939 when you attempt to connect to a remote host name in Resolving problems when running commands.

(c)--integration-node-file filePath --output-server serverName.
The name of the file that contains remote integration node connection parameters (*.broker) and the name of a managed integration server.
The parameter --integration-node-file, identifies the name of a .broker file that contains the connection details for a remote integration node. Include the location (path) and file name when you specify this parameter. You must ensure that the location is accessible when you run this command. You cannot use --integration-node and --integration-node-file in the same command.

Use this option if multiple users want to connect to the same integration node or integration server, or if you are using advanced connection parameters such as SSL. For more information, see Connecting to an integration node by creating a .broker file.

If you want to run a command that uses SSL to administer a remote integration node or integration server over a secured channel, you must specify the keystore and truststore password for the connection that is using the IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. For more information, see Resolving problems when running commands.

(d)--output-node nodeName --output-server serverName
The name of a local integration node and managed server.
(e)--output-work-directory directory
The working directory of an integration server.
--overrides-file filePath
(Optional) The name of the file that contains the overrides to apply.
(Optional) Prevent compilation of Java resources.
(Optional) Enable compilation of maps and schemas.
--project projectName
(Optional) The name of the project to deploy. If you do not specify a project, all available projects are deployed. If you specify a project that does not exist, nothing is deployed and the command fails.
--trace filePath
(Optional) Send verbose internal trace to the specified file.

(Optional) This parameter specifies that all applications in the integration server are to be restarted as part of the deploy operation. Use this parameter to allow non-dynamic policies to be redeployed. For more information about non-dynamic policies, see Policy properties.

Restarting all applications has the following effects on the integration server and its resources:
  • All active connections are disconnected
  • All registered endpoints become temporarily unavailable
  • All in-memory activity logs are cleared
  • All flow statistics are reset
  • All dynamic thread pool updates are removed
  • Any ESQL shared variables are reset to their initialized values
  • Any UDP global overrides are removed
  • Any non-persistent changes are removed for flow statistics, monitoring, and user exits
  • Message flows and applications return to their start-up state according to the value of their startMode parameter
  • Errors are returned for any applications that cannot start
(Optional) Use this parameter to display help information about the command.


Deploy the bar file C:\bars\ to the managed integration server myServer on the local integration node myNODE:
ibmint deploy --input-bar-file C:\bars\ --output-node myNODE --output-server myServer
Deploy the contents of the directory C:\myprojectdir to the working directory of an integration server:
ibmint deploy --input-path C:\myprojectdir --output-work-directory C:\myaceworkdir\myserver
Deploy the contents of the directory /my/source/location to the working directory of the integration server myServer that runs on port 4414 on the local machine. Prevent compilation of Java resources:
ibmint deploy --input-path C:\mysourcelocation --output-work-directory C:\myaceworkdir\myserver  --output-server  myServer --output-port 4414 --do-not-compile-java 
Deploy the BAR file /bars/ to the working directory of an integration server. Apply the overrides from the file /files/myOverridesFile:
ibmint deploy --input-bar-file /bars/ --output-work-directory /myaceworkdir/myserver --overrides-file /files/myOverridesFile  
Deploy myproject:
ibmint deploy --input-path /Users/johnsmith/IBM/ACET12/workspace/ --output-work-dir ibminttest/ --project myproject