ibmint apply overrides command

Use the ibmint apply overrides command to apply overrides to a BAR file or work directory.

Usage notes

  • Your installed version of IBM® App Connect Enterprise must be or later to be able to run the ibmint apply overrides command.

Supported platforms

  • Windows
  • Linux®
  • Linux on POWER®
  • Linux on Z
  • AIX®


You can use the ibmint apply overrides command to apply overrides to a BAR file or work directory.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramibmint apply overrides--overridesFilePathfilePath  --input-bar-file filePath--output-bar-filefilePath --bar-file filePath --work-directorydirectory--trace filePath--help 


--overridesFilePath filePath
The name of the file that contains the overrides to apply.
Each override that is specified in a --overridesFilePath overrides file must conform to one of the following syntaxes:
  • FlowName#NodeName.PropertyName=NewPropertyValue (or FlowName#PropertyName=NewPropertyValue for message flow properties) where:
    • FlowName is the name of the message flow without either the .msgflow or .cmf extension (for example, Flow1).
    • NodeName is the optional name of the node whose property is overridden (for example, InputNode).
    • PropertyName is the name of the property to be overridden (for example, queueName).
    • NewPropertyValue is the value to assign to that property (for example, PRODUCTION_QUEUE_NAME).
  • OldPropertyValue=NewPropertyValue. This syntax does a global search and replace on the property value OldPropertyValue. It overrides the value fields of OldPropertyValue in the deployment descriptor with NewPropertyValue.
  • FlowName#NodeName.PropertyName (or FlowName#PropertyName for message flow properties). This syntax removes any override that is applied to the property of the supplied name.

You must specify at least one parameter to identify the input source in one of the following forms (a), (b), or (c):

(a)--input-bar-file filePath--output-bar-file filePath
These parameters identify the paths to the input and output BAR files that you apply overrides to.

--input-bar-file filePath The name of the input BAR file to apply overrides to.

--output-bar-file filePath The name of the output BAR file to apply the updated content to.

(b)--bar-file filePath
The name of the output BAR file to modify in place.
--work-directory directory
The server work directory to apply overrides to.
When you apply overrides to a work directory, the following syntaxes are allowed, which direct updates to a specific deployment descriptor:
  • AppName/FlowName#NodeName.PropertyName=NewPropertyValue where:
    • AppName is name of the application that contains the message flow.
  • AppName/FlowName#NodeName.PropertyName=NewPropertyValue where:
    • SchemaName is name of the schema in which the message flow resides within the application.
  • AppName/LibName/SchemaName.FlowName#NodeName.PropertyName=NewPropertyValue where:
    • LibName is name of the static or shared library that contains the message flow within the application.
  • /AppName/FlowName#NodeName.PropertyName=NewPropertyValue where:
    • The "/" prefixing the application means that this override is required, and the command fails if the property is not found within the application. The "/" prefix also applies when library and schema names are specified.
  • ShlibName/SchemaName.SubflowName#NodeName.PropertyName=NewPropertyValue where:
    • ShlibName is name of shared library in which the subflow resides. Promoted properties still take their values from the parent flow or subflow.

Variables and comments are not allowed in property files.

--trace filePath
(Optional) Send a verbose internal trace to the specified file.
(Optional) Use this parameter to display help information about the command.


Apply overrides from the file C:\files\myOverridesFile to the input BAR file C:\bars\myBAR to produce the output BAR file C:\bars\myOverriddenBARFile:
ibmint apply overrides --overridesFilePath C:\files\myOverrridesFile --input-bar-file C:\bars\myBAR --output-bar-file C:\bars\myOverriddenBAR  
Apply overrides from the file C:\files\myOverridesFile to modify the BAR file C:\bars\myBAR in place:
ibmint apply overrides --overridesFilePath C:\files\myOverrridesFile --bar-file C:\bars\myBAR
In the following example, the work directory /home/aceuser/ace-server contains an application that is called TopLevelApplication, which contains a message flow that is called sampleFlow. This message flow contains a subflow that is called SubflowOne, which resides in a schema that is called ShlibWithSubflows in a shared library called ShlibWithSubflows. Override the following properties by using a properties file:
  • In message flow sampleFlow.msgflow, override the input queue on node MQ Input, to NEW_INPUT_QUEUE.
  • In message flow sampleFlow in TopLevelApplication, clear the value of the promoted property queueName that is set on the subflow node that represents Subflow1.
  • In subflow SubflowOne in ShlibWithSubflows, override the filePath attribute of the Trace node.
ibmint apply overrides  --overridesFilePath /home/aceuser/initial-config/workdir-overrides/filename.txt --work-directory /home/aceuser/ace-server
where file filename.txt contains the following lines:
TopLevelApplication/sampleFlow#MQ Input.queueName=NEW_INPUT_QUEUE
In the following example, the cron expression in a Scheduler node is updated to make the schedule trigger every year on 4 July at 14:21:
ibmint apply overrides --overridesFilePath <overridesFile> --input-bar-file --output-bar-file
where the file <overridesFile> contains the following line:
FlowName#SchedulerNodename.cronExp="21 14 12 JUL *"