Adding the trigger item

You can add a trigger item after creating a client item and mapping it to a OPC server node.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have created a client item and mapped it to a OPC server node, to be included in your message flow.


  1. In the Select view, click the following according to your manufacturing node.
    • For a OPC-UA-Input node, click Add Trigger Item.
    • For a OPC-UA-Read node, click Add Client Item to Read.
    • For a OPC-UA-Write node, click Add Client Item to Write.
    • For a OPC-UA-Method-Call node, click Select for Method Call.
    For example, for  OPC-UA-Input node , the Add Trigger Item wizard window loads with the following fields.
    Field Description
    Triggering Item Describes the Client Item mapping path. It is a read-only field.
    Triggered By Specify the item trigger. Select Event or Value option from the list.
    Processing Parameter Specify a processing parameter for the client item. It is an optional field.
    Event Data Select list of data items to be included in the message flow. The list is only displayed if a client item is associated to an event.

    You must select at least one event from the list. You can add event data to your message flows as a trigger item. The event data is received from multiple devices of the OPC-UA servers.

    You can configure your message flow to emit event messages and alarms when it identifies anomalies as it processes the manufacturing message flow.
    Additional Items Displays the additional client item mapping paths for the node. Click Add to open the Manufacturing Perspective to add additional items.
    Note: You can add multiple Client Items to the Trigger Item List in an OPC-UA-Input node flow.
  2. Click OK.

    You are redirected to the Integration Development perspective.