DataPower API Gateway

Rate Limit

Use the Rate Limit policy to apply one or more rate, burst, or count limits at any point in your API assembly flow. Rate and burst limits restrict the number of calls made to an API in a specified time period, while count limits impose a strict limit on the total number of calls.

Gateway support

Table 1. Table showing which gateways support this policy, and the corresponding policy version
Gateway Policy version
DataPower® API Gateway 2.0.0

2.1.0 (DataPower API Gateway Version or later)

2.2.0 (DataPower API Gateway Version or later)

2.3.0 (DataPower API Gateway Version

This topic describes how to configure the policy in the assembly user interface; for details on how to configure the policy in your OpenAPI source, see ratelimit.


The defined rate, burst, and count limits are applied to whatever follows in the assembly flow. For example, if a Rate Limit policy is placed before an Invoke policy, and the call made by the Invoke policy exceeds the limits defined by the Rate Limit policy, the API call itself fails.

Note: For information about rate limits and burst limits in API Connect, see Understanding rate limits for APIs and Plans.


The following table lists the policy properties, indicates whether a property is required, specifies the valid and default values for input, and specifies the data type of the values.

Table 2. Rate Limit policy properties
Property label Required Description Data type
Title No The title of the policy.

The default value is ratelimit.

Description No A description of the policy. string
Source Yes The location of all the rate limit, burst limit, and count limit definitions that are included in this policy. Select one of the following options:
  • Catalog by Name: the limits to be applied are defined in the appropriate api-collection object on the DataPower API Gateway, which is the object that represents your API Connect Catalog in the gateway configuration.

    For details of how to configure a rate, burst, or count limit in the api-collection object, see Configuring a rate, burst, or count limit on the.

  • Plan by Name: the limits to be applied are assembly burst limits or assembly count limits defined on the Plan to which the calling application is subscribed. For details on how to configure assembly burst limits and assembly count limits in a Plan, see Editing a draft Product.
    Note: The following conditions apply to a Plan by Name rate limit policy:
    • Every Plan that contains the API that is being limited must have the named rate limit applied.
    • A Plan by Name rate limit policy cannot be used with automatically generated Products.
  • Gateway by Name: the limits to be applied are defined in the apigw object, named apiconnect, on the DataPower API Gateway gateway.

    For details of how to configure a rate, burst, or count limit in the apigw object, see Configuring a rate, burst, or count limit on the.

  • Plan Default: the rate and burst limits that are applied are the default ones configured in the Plan to which the calling application is subscribed. For details on how to configure default Plan rate and burst limits, see Editing a draft Product.
    Note: The use of this option does not disable any automatic preflow rate limit policy that might be in place, and could result in the application of the rate limiting being repeated. For more information on preflow policies, see Customizing the preflow policies.
Rate Limit Name Yes1 If Source property is set to Catalog by Name, the name of a rate limit as defined in the DataPower API Gateway configuration,

To display the Rate Limit Name field, click Add Rate Limit; you can add as many rate limits as you want.

1You must provide at least one rate, burst, or count limit.

Burst Limit Name Yes2 If Source property is set to Catalog by Name, the name of a burst limit as defined in the DataPower API Gateway configuration.

If Source is set to Plan by Name, the name of an assembly burst limit in a Plan.

To display the Burst Limit Name field, click Add Burst Limit; you can add as many burst limits as you want.

2You must provide at least one rate, burst, or count limit.

Count Limit Name Yes3 If Source property is set to Catalog by Name, the name of a count limit as defined in the DataPower API Gateway configuration.

If Source is set to Plan by Name, the name of an assembly count limit in a Plan.

To display the Count Limit Name field, click Add Count Limit; you can add as many count limits as you want.

3You must provide at least one rate, burst, or count limit.

Operation No For a rate limit, select one of the following options:
  • Consume: the policy reduces the balance of available requests that remain in the interval defined by the rate limit specified in the Rate Limit Name field.

    The amount by which the remaining balance is reduced is the value that results from the weight expression defined in the specified rate limit.

  • Replenish: the policy increases the balance of available requests that remain in the interval defined by the rate limit specified in the Rate Limit Name field.

    The amount by which the remaining balance is increased is the value that results from the weight expression defined in the specified rate limit.

    The purpose of the replenish operation is to restore an appropriate amount of remaining balance in cases where the amount calculated by an earlier consume operation turns out to be too high. For example, for an assembly rate limit with a limit of 100, a consume operation with a weight of 60 uses 60 requests, leaving 40 requests remaining for the interval. If the weight expression in the subsequent replenish operation computes to 15, meaning that the weight expression calculated that the actual request usage was only 45, the replenish operation increases the remaining requests by 15, to a remaining balance of 55.

    Note that the replenish operation cannot increase the remaining requests allowed beyond the original limit defined in the assembly rate limit scheme. In this example, a replenish operation cannot replenish requests beyond 100. A replenish operation is skipped if the weight expression evaluates to a value of less than 1.

    The default value is Consume.

For a count limit, select one of the following options:
  • Increment: the current count is incremented by the value that results from the weight expression defined in the count limit specified in the Count Limit Name field.
  • Decrement: the current count is decremented by the value that results from the weight expression defined in the count limit specified in the Count Limit Name field.

By default, the count limit is automatically decremented at the end of the API assembly by the total amount incremented during the assembly, minus any decrement operations that are defined in the assembly. You do not need to explicitly define decrement operations unless you want the decrements to occur at specific points in the assembly. However, if the auto decrement feature has been explicitly disabled in the count limit configuration, you must include a corresponding decrement operation, otherwise when the count limit is reached all future calls are blocked. For more information on configuring a count limit, see Configuring a rate, burst, or count limit on the.

The default value is Increment.

For a burst limit, the only option is Consume, meaning that the limit applied is that defined in the burst limit specified in the Burst Limit Name field.
