FAQ: Premium subscription

For more information about API Connect as a Service Advanced tiers, review the following frequently asked questions.

Advanced features

What is API Connect as a Service Premium?
The Premium subscription extends the API Connect as a Service architecture to deliver a highly available single-tenant API gateway that is managed by IBM and integrates with the existing multi-tenant API Connect management plane. The Premium subscription provides an additional choice to those looking to create, manage, secure, and socialize their APIs using our latest user experiences, innovation and industry standards for full API lifecycle management. For organizations with cloud-native apps and data on AWS, this option provides an enterprise-grade API management solution with advanced data transformation and API gateway isolation close to where their apps and data are already running.
What features are included in Premium subscription?
Premium subscription includes all of the features in the Standard subscription. In addition, it offers a dedicated, single-tenant API gateway that is managed by IBM and provides advanced data transformation with XSLT, GatewayScript, and custom policies.
How does this offering compare to other API Connect Cloud offerings?
For more detailed feature comparison of API Connect editions, see the comparison table.
Why aren't these additional features available with the Standard subscription?
The features introduced with the Premium subscription require the use of a single-tenant gateway to avoid impacting other customers, which adds to the cost of the subscription. Customers who do not require the additional features can choose a Standard subscription instead.
Where can I see the Premium features in action?
Want to learn more about Premium features? Schedule a live demo.

Purchasing and Upgrading

Where can I find pricing information?
Pricing information is available on the "Pricing" tab in the API Connect product page on the AWS Marketplace.
Why isn't there a free trial for the Premium subscription?
The features introduced with the Premium subscription require the use of a single-tenant gateway to avoid impacting other customers, so the Premium capabilities are not included in the free trial. You can schedule a live demo to learn more about the Base and the Advanced tiers.
Can I upgrade from my existing subscription to a Premium subscription?
Yes. If you initially purchased a Standard subscription, you can upgrade to a Premium subscription at any time during your subscription term to access the premium features. The upgrade is seamless--you do not need to migrate your data. When you upgrade during your subscription period, the initial order is pro-rated and credited towards your new contract, and your contract retains its original expiration date.
  • If you originally purchased the service directly on the AWS Marketplace (using the self-service digital purchase), you can upgrade to the Premium subscription, or you can buy a higher call volume, either directly on the AWS marketplace or by engaging with sales and purchasing with a Private Offer to overwrite the initial subscription.
  • If you originally purchased using a Private Offer or SQO, you must use the same method to overwrite your initial private offer with the new offer (you cannot have two private offers for a subscription). Any update to a private offer involves adding services and requires an Agreement Based Offer.
Can I buy both a Standard subscription and a Premium subscription?
Yes, but it requires an Agreement Based Offer that modifies your initial agreement to add the new subscription. To create an ABO, request a private offer in your AWS account or directly contact IBM Sales to modify the initial agreement.

DataPower Gateway

Is Advanced a DataPower SaaS offering?
No. The Premium subscription includes the DataPower API Gateway and thus offer some DataPower features, but it is not a DataPower offering.
Are Gateway Extensions supported?
No, Gateway Extensions are not supported in API Connect Enterprise as a Service.
Can I create my own multi-protocol gateway?
No, API Connect Enterprise as a Service does not support creating your own gateways.
Does the Premium subscription include the V5-compatible Gateway?
No, the Premium subscription include only the API Gateway.
Can I access the DataPower UI and images for the gateway?
No, you cannot directly access the gateway.
Can I log in to the gateway appliance?
No, you cannot directly access the gateway.
Can I create additional services as additional domains on that appliance?
No, you cannot create additional services on the gateway appliance.