Completing the information section of your Product description

Provide users with information about your Product.

About this task

The information section of a YAML representation of a Product contains the Product's name and version. It can also include contact and license details.

Note: All keys and enumeration values that are specified in this topic are case-sensitive.

An example information section for a YAML representation of a Product can be found at the end of this topic. An example of a complete YAML representation of a Product can be found in An example YAML representation of a Product.


To complete the information section of your Product description, complete the following steps.

  1. Begin the section and provide a name, title, description, and version number; use the following syntax:
      version: Product_Version
      title: Product_Title
      name: Short_Name
      summary: Product_Description
    • version is the version number of the policy.
      Tip: The version.release.modification version numbering scheme is recommended, for example 1.0.0.
    • Product_Title is the title of the Product. Any string can be used, but the title should be kept short so that it can be displayed in the API Manager user interface.
    • Short_Name is the short name for the policy. It must be a single word and contain only alphanumeric characters, and the - (dash) and _ (underscore) characters. The name is case-sensitive, and should be 20 characters or fewer so that it can be displayed in the API Manager user interface of IBM API Connect.
    • Product_Description is a short description of the policy. Any string can be used.
  2. Optional: Under info, supply contact information; use the following syntax:
        name: Contact_Name
        url: 'Contact_URL'
        email: Contact_email
    • Contact_Name is the name of the contact for this Product.
    • Contact_URL is the URL for contact your organization.
    • Contact_email is an email for contacting your organization.
  3. Optional: Under info, add license information for your Product; use the following syntax:
        name: License_Name
        url: 'License_URL'
    • License_Name is the name of the license that applied to your Product.
    • License_URL is the URL at which information about the license can be accessed.
  4. Optional: Under info, add your terms of service; use the following syntax:
     termsOfService: Terms

    where Terms is a string that details the terms of service for using your Product.


You have completed the information section of your Product's YAML representation. It should have the following form:

  version: Product_Version
  title: Product_Title
  name: Short_Name
  description: Product_Description
    name: Contact_Name
    url: 'Contact_URL'
    email: Contact_email
    name: License_Name
    url: 'License_URL'
  termsOfService: Service_Terms

where all variables are as described in previously in this topic. The indentation must be as in the example.