OAuth introspection for third-party OAuth providers

OAuth token validation can be offloaded to the third-party Open Authorization (OAuth)/Open ID Connect (OIDC) provider by using the Introspection URL. Clients can use a third-party OAuth or OIDC provider to obtain a token that is protected by IBM API Connect. IBM® API Connect can use this feature along with the mentioned provider to protect access to the API.

You can use API Connect to protect an API that is secured by using the third-party OAuth access token in accordance with Introspection specification as defined in RFC 7662. In addition to the specification, the x-Introspect- header is provided to pass other content to the third party as you require.

Authentication information can be carried in the request by configuring a basic authentication request header.

The following sequence diagram depicts the overall flow of request and response. The purpose of this diagram is only to provide a general visualization of the nature of the flow; for the precise details, refer to the explanatory information after the diagram.

flow diagram of OAuth and Introspect URL

The Introspect URL is configured in the Third Party OAuth provider configuration. See Configuring a third-party OAuth provider.

When an API is protected by a third-party OAuth provider, API Connect will extract the bearer token and issue an HTTP POST request to the endpoint specified in the Introspect URL field.

The GET request is protected by API Connect with this feature.

You can use a header prefix to pass information to the third-party provider. The header prefix can include a regular expression and specifies the name pattern of the headers to use for sending additional information, such as x-introspect-*.
     GET /petstore/pet/123 HTTP/1.1
     Host: apiconnect.com
     x-Introspect-type: dog
     x-Introspect-name: simon
     x-custom-apic: petstore123
     Authorization: Bearer tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA
     x-IBM-Client-Id: xxx-xxx

However, if you want to use a different header prefix, specify the required value in the Custom header pattern field in the third party OAuth provider configuration. For third-party OAuth provider configuration details, see Configuring a third-party OAuth provider. The Custom header pattern feature is available only with the DataPower® API Gateway, if you are using the DataPower Gateway (v5 compatible) the header prefix must be x-Introspect-.

API Connect will issue this POST request to the introspection endpoint specified in x-tokenIntrospect, as illustrated in the code sample:
     POST /oauth/introspectURL HTTP/1.1
     Host: apiconnect.ibm.com
     Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
     x-Introspect-type: dog
     x-Introspect-name: simon
     x-custom-apic: petstore123

The third party OAuth/OIDC provider will respond with HTTP 200 indicating the request was successful and that payload contains the token information. API Connect honors the active claim as defined in the RFC specification.

If the value of the active claim is true, the token is treated as valid.
   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Cache-Control: no-store
    Pragma: no-cache

    { “active”:true,
       “username”:“John Smith”,
If the value of the active claim is false, the token is treated as invalid.
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
     Cache-Control: no-store
     Pragma: no-cache


A response code other than HTTP 200 indicates failure to process the request.

When the OAuth token is valid and active, context variables are populated with information from the introspect JSON response. For more information, see API Connect context variables.

When contacting the introspection endpoint, API Connect uses client_id/appId and client_secret/appSecret to construct the HTTP Basic authorization header.

By default, if x-introspect-basic-authorization-header exists in the request, the value is used for the HTTP Basic authentication header when the introspection endpoint is contacted. API Connect verifies that the HTTP Basic authentication header value is Base64 encoded before it is sent, and encodes it if necessary as shown in the following example. If the header is already encoded, it is sent without modification.
GET /petstore/pet/123 HTTP/1.1
Host: apiconnect.com
x-introspect-basic-authorization-header: user:password
API Connect issues the following:
POST .. 
Authorization: Basic M3JkLXBhcnR5LWNsaWVudF9pZDozcmQtcGFydHlfY2xpZW50X3NlY3JldA==token_type_hint=access_token&token= ..
If you are using the DataPower API Gateway, you can specify your own value for the HTTP Basic authentication header by providing the required value in the Basic authentication request header name field in the third party OAuth provider configuration. The following rules determine what authentication data is passed to the introspection endpoint:
  • If there is a basic authentication header in the request, the specified credentials are used. The value must be either a string in the format user:password, or the Base64 encoded equivalent; API Connect will Base64 encode the value if necessary before sending the request to the introspection endpoint.
  • If there is no basic authentication header in the request but there are values specified in the Basic authentication username and Basic authentication password fields in the third party OAuth provider configuration, those values are used.
  • If there is no basic authentication header in the request, and user name and password details are not supplied in the third party OAuth provider configuration, but client_id and client_secret values are supplied in the body of the request, these are used.
  • Otherwise, an error is returned.
For third-party OAuth provider configuration details, see Configuring a third-party OAuth provider.
If either, or both, of scope and scope validate url are configured, and if the response is an active token with a scope claim from the third-party OAuth Provider introspection endpoint, API Connect will further enforce the scope validation in the following order:
  1. If scope is configured for the OAuth API protection, verify the third-party scope against the scope that is configured.
  2. If scope validation url is configured, verify the third-party scope against the scope validation URL.
  3. If the third-party OAuth provider introspection endpoint does not return a scope, the Gateway will not check the scope defined in the security definition of the API where the third-party OAuth provider resource is used. For details on configuring an OAuth security definition in an API, see Creating an OAuth security definition.
For more information, see Scope.
DataPower Gateway (Classic)
onlyBy default the API Connect client ID and scope are sent to the third party OAuth provider. You can suppress this behavior in either of the following ways:
  • Supply a suppress-parameters header as follows:
    suppress-parameters: client_id
    suppress-parameters: scope
    suppress-parameters: client_id scope
    depending on which parameters you want to suppress.
  • Define an API property called suppress-parameters in the API definition itself, with one of the following string values:
    client_id scope
    depending on which parameters you want to suppress. For information on how to define API properties, see Setting API properties.