Reviewing processing status and downloading gateway logs
View and download the processing status information for the Gateway services that are enabled in your API Connect Catalogs and Spaces.
About this task
Check the status of API events processed by the gateway, and download gateway logs as needed. For example, you might want to check whether a Product was published and is available on the gateway before using one of its APIs. Or you might notice that API events are processing slowly and want to see if all events for a specific gateway service are affected.
Use the API Manager user interface to view or download the processing status information for all the gateway services that are associated with a particular catalog or Space.
- Log in to API Manager.
- In the navigation pane, click
- Select a catalog.
- Click the Catalog settings tab or Spaces tab.
- Catalog settings: if spaces are not enabled in your catalog, you can view the gateway processing
status from the Catalog settings tab. To review the gateway processing status
from the catalog settings tab, complete the following step:
- On the Settings page, click Gateway services.
- Spaces: If you enable the Spaces option for your catalog, you cannot see
the status of gateway services in the catalog settings tab. To know the gateway
services status from the Spaces tab, complete the following steps:
- Select the space that you want to work with.
- Click the Space settings tab.
- On the Space Settings page, click Gateway services.
- In the Event load column, you can see the current status.
- Catalog settings: if spaces are not enabled in your catalog, you can view the gateway processing
status from the Catalog settings tab. To review the gateway processing status
from the catalog settings tab, complete the following step:
A list of all of the gateway services for the selected catalog, including all of its Spaces, displays the gateway type and its endpoint URL. In addition, a status icon displays for each service name to provide a quick indication of that service's status:
Normal: Between 0 and 10 events are waiting to be processed
Increased: Between 10 and 20 events are waiting to be processed
High: More than 20 events are waiting to be processed
You can view details about a service's status to gain insight into possible issues.
- View the gateway status: On the Gateway services page, click
next to a service and select View status.
The Gateway processing status page displays a list of the events that were sent to the gateway. For each event, you can see the following information:
- Event type: The action performed by the event; for example, subscribing to a product, deleting an application, or creating a new consumer organization.
- Category: The feature area affected by the event; for example, subscriptions, applications, or consumer organizations.
- Time: The time when the event was processed by the gateway service.
- Status: The current event's processing status; for example, Queued (not yet sent for
processing), Sent (but not processed yet), or Processed (complete).
The number of events in the Queued and Sent states determine the status level for the service.
The display includes events that were not processed yet, as well as the last event processed. If a particular event is not listed as Sent or Queued, then that event was already processed.
- To download Gateway logs, complete the following steps:
- Click
next to the gateway service and select Download logs.
- Downloads a .zip file to your computer with a name that uses the format <gateway-name>.zip for example v6gw.zip.
- Click