Analytics dashboards
IBM® API Connect analytics provides dashboards for viewing your analytics data.
Analytics dashboards
The analytics dashboards in the API Manager UI show the API event data at the scopes of provider organization, catalog, and space. The scope of the analytics data shown depends on how you access the analytics dashboards, see: Accessing analytics.
The provider
organization scoped dashboards are accessed from the settings icon in the navigation

The space scoped dashboards are accessed from the Analytics tab when viewing the space:

- API Dashboard- contains charts that summarize total API calls, response codes, and response times.
- Product Dashboard - contains charts that show total API calls and application subscriptions per plan.
- Monitoring Latency Dashboard - contains charts that provide response time statistics and data usage.
- Monitoring Status Dashboard - contains charts that show the response codes and success/failure rates of API calls.
- Usage Dashboard - contains charts that show the top five APIs, products, and apps.
- Consumption Dashboard - contains charts that show total API consumption in your cloud.
- Gateway Operations Dashboard - contains charts that show API usage and latency by gateway.
Each chart in the dashboards can be exported as a PNG or JPG image. The source
data for each chart can be exported as a JSON or CSV file. To export a chart, click
Actions at the upper right:
It is also possible to enlarge the chart to full-screen by clicking . To see the source data in tabular form click
Discover view
By default the Dashboards tab is displayed. To view your API event data in
tabular form, select Discover:
The maximum number of API events that can be accessed from the UI is 10,000. The maximum number of event records that can be displayed per page on the Discover view is 200.
You can export the API event data from this view by clicking Actions at
the upper right:
Filtering displayed data
You can filter the data that is displayed in the Dashboards and Discover view by defining queries. Expand the Filters section to view, define, and apply analytics queries to your displayed data:
- Shared queries are visible to all users at the same scope. They are not visible to users in a different scope. For example, a query that is shared by a Cloud Manager UI user is not visible to an API Manager UI user. Within the API Manager UI, a query that is created at catalog scope is not visible to users viewing analytics data at provider organization scope.
- Other users cannot edit or delete queries that you share, but they can create a duplicate query, which they can edit and share.
- All queries have a name and an optional description. The name does not need to be unique.
Saved queries can be exported as strings for use in REST API and toolkit CLI queries, for example:
