input StepZen_RESTPagination

Defines how @rest supports pagination.

StepZen maps standard REST pagination styles into the standard GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification. This allows clients of the endpoint to then page through values consistently regardless of how the back-end supports pagination.

@rest supports forward cursors with NEXT_CURSOR, OFFSET and PAGE_NUMBER pagination types using the standard pagination arguments first and after. Note that use of the paginated query is identical for the client regardless of if @rest is configured to use NEXT_CURSOR, OFFSET or PAGE_NUMBER.

A paged REST call must return (after any transformation):

  • A array of the values to be paged. For example when paging Customer type, the JSON returns an array of objects than can be extracted into the Customer type. resultroot is typically used to location the list of values.

  • Paging meta data, e.g. the total number of values, depending on the pagination type.

StepZen will extract the values and meta data into the connection structure (edges, nodes & PageInfo) required by the GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification. Thus the REST backend and the @rest configuration is not concerned with the connection and edge types.

See the examples under each cursor type.


  • the client passes after as the empty string or null for the first request, depending on how the backend api service supports next cursors. Typically this is handled by the default value for after being the initial cursor value.

  • if after is the empty string then the assumption is it's the first request

  • for subsequent requests the client passes after as the the opaque cursor value of connection.pageInfo.endCursor of the previous request.

  • the opaque cursor after argument is unpacked to contain backend api service's next cursor value when used in the context of @rest, for example as $after in endpoint.

  • the virtual field nextCursor must be set from the response using StepZen_PaginationType.setters.

  • if the backend does not accept an initial value for its next cursor value then the after argument must be defined as after:String (nullable).

An example:

  customers(first:Int! =20 after:String! =""): CustomerConnection
      pagination: {
          type: NEXT_CURSOR
          setters: [{field:"nextCursor" path: ""}]

OFFSET support

  • the client passes after as the empty string or null for the first request. Typically this is handled by the default value for after being the empty string.

  • if after is the empty string then the assumption is it's the first request

  • for subsequent requests the client passes after as the the opaque cursor value of connection.pageInfo.endCursor of the previous request.

  • the opaque cursor after argument is unpacked to contain backend api service's offset integer value when used in the context of @rest, for example as $after in endpoint. The offset is zero based, so the first edge in the paged set has offset zero.

  • the virtual field total must be set from the response using StepZen_PaginationType.setters to be the total number of edges (records) in the paged set.

An example:

  customers(first:Int! =20 after:String! =""): CustomerConnection
      pagination: {
          type: OFFSET
          setters: [{field:"total" path: "meta.total_count"}]


  • the client passes after as the empty string or null for the first request. Typically this is handled by the default value for after being the empty string.

  • if after is the empty string then the assumption is it's the first request

  • for subsequent requests the client passes after as the the opaque cursor value of connection.pageInfo.endCursor of the previous request.

  • the opaque cursor after argument is unpacked to contain backend api service's page number integer value when used in the context of @rest, for example as $after in endpoint. The page number is one based, so the first edge in the paged set will be from page 1.

  • the number of edges per page is set from the initial first argument value. subsequent requests must set the same value for first.

  • the virtual field total must be set from the response using StepZen_PaginationType.setters to be the total number of pages in the paged set.

An example:

  customers(first:Int! =20 after:String! =""): CustomerConnection
      pagination: {
          type: PAGE_NUMBER
          setters: [{field:"total" path: "meta.total_pages"}]


setters: [StepZen_FieldSetter!]

How virtual fields are set from the response. Since typically pagination is meta-data in the response path is always relative to the root of the actual response, resultroot is not used. Pagination type indicates which virtual fields must be set.

type: StepZen_PaginationType!

How pagination is handled by the back-end suppporting @rest.