Air-gapped installation
In a disconnected environment using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP), install API Connect Essentials by mirroring product images to a bastion host and then completing the installation.
Before you begin
- An air-gapped installation is not possible in the following environments:
- Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)
- Red Hat OpenShift Service Kubernetes Service on IBM Cloud (ROKS)
About this task
If your cluster is not connected to the internet (it is network-restricted, or air-gapped), you can install API Connect Essentials in your cluster by using either a bastion host, a portable computer, or a portable storage device
The following diagram illustrates how you can mirror product images for an air-gapped installation with a bastion host, a portable computer, or a portable storage device.

All of the scenarios use Container Application Software for Enterprises (CASE) files to mirror content from a source (on the internet) to an intermediary target (a bastion host, a portable computer, or a portable storage device) before pushing them to a local server or device.
Then, you can transfer the files to the local air-gapped network and run the installation.