GraphQL mutations

Learn the basics of writing mutations using GraphQL.

A mutation is a type of operation that can modify server-side data. In GraphQL, mutations must be explicitly specified by including the mutation keyword before the query. For additional information see the GraphQL Mutations topic on

GraphQL mutations have all the same benefits and efficiencies as the queries mentioned in the GraphQL query basics.

Work with mutations

If you want to write to the database, create a mutation type as in the following example:

type Mutation {
    creditCard: String = ""
    label: String = ""
    street: String = ""
    city: String = ""
    postalCode: String = ""
    countryRegion: String = ""
    stateProvince: String = ""
    email: String!
    name: String!
  ): Customer
      type: "mysql"
      table: "customer"
      dml: INSERT
      configuration: "mysql_config"

The mutation insertCustomer accepts parameters for all of the columns available on the customer table. API Connect Essentials performs the necessary database insert.