What's new in Version 2018.4.1.12

IBM® API Connect Version 2018.4.1.12 includes the following enhancements.

Note: You can access the latest files from Fix Packs Available for IBM API Connect v2018.x.
API Connect now supports LDAP internal referral for API authentication with the DataPower® API Gateway
An LDAP referral is a domain controller's way of indicating to a client application that it does not have a copy of a requested object, while giving the client a location that is more likely to hold the object. API Connect now supports LDAP internal referral with the DataPower API Gateway, internal to the current LDAP server, if the base distinguished name (DN) supplied in an API call is incomplete. Previously the API call would fail authentication without referral. For more information, see LDAP authentication.
Organize your Consumer organizations into groups
You can now create Consumer organization groups, providing an efficient way of controlling who can see, and subscribe to, the APIs in your Products. By using a Consumer organization group, you can define this access for all the developers in the organizations in that group in a single operation, rather than having to define access for the organizations separately. For more information, see Working with Consumer organization groups.
DataPower Gateway (Classic)
onlyPreserve the string \\ in a policy property
By default, the string \\ in a policy property is converted to a single \ character. A new x-ibm-gateway-framework-preserve-escaped-reverse-solidus API property is available which, when set to true, preserves the string \\. For details of all API properties, see API properties.
Technical Preview: Searching in API Manager
Use the search feature in IBM API Connect API Manager to easily locate items such as APIs, Catalogs, applications, and subscriptions. Search is available from any page in API Manager and can be accessed by typing in the search field in the page banner, or by clicking Search icon Search icon in the navigation list. For more information, see Searching for items in API Manager.