Configuring tokens for a native OAuth provider
Set time to live for access tokens and refresh tokens, and a time period for maximum consent for all tokens.
About this task
Access tokens are granted to the client application to allow the application to access resources on behalf of the application user. Refresh tokens are issued to the client to obtain a new access token when the current access token becomes invalid or expires, or to obtain additional access tokens with identical or more narrow scope. You can also specify how long the consent given by the combination of any number of access and refresh token remains valid.
One of the following roles is required to configure tokens for a native OAuth Provider:
- Organization Administrator
- Owner
- Custom role with the permissions
You can select the token settings page for a native OAuth provider immediately on completion of the creation operation detailed in Configuring a native OAuth provider, or you can update the token settings for an existing native OAuth provider. If you want to update the token settings for an existing native OAuth provider, complete the following steps before following the procedure described in this topic: