You can delete your account in the Developer Portal.
Before you begin
You must be the owner of the developer account that you want to delete, and you must not own
more than one Consumer organization. If you do own more than one Consumer organization, you must
either change the ownership of those organizations, or delete them, before you can delete your
account. If you own only one Consumer organization, when you delete your account the Consumer
organization is deleted at the same time as your account.
About this task
When you delete your account, any Consumer organizations that you own must also be deleted
or transferred to new owners. If there are other members in a Consumer organization that you delete,
these members will no longer have access to that organization, or any of its applications and
subscriptions. Consider carefully the impact on any members of your Consumer organizations before
you delete your account. For more information, see Deleting a Consumer organization.Important: When an organization has been deleted, it cannot be reactivated. You might want to consider
changing the ownership of your Consumer organizations before you delete your account.
For more
information, see Changing the ownership of a Consumer organization.
Click your user name in the Developer Portal home page, and select My account.
Click the Edit tab.
Click Delete account.
Click Delete to confirm deletion of the account.
This action deletes your developer account and, if you own a Consumer organization, this
organization is also deleted.
You successfully deleted your developer account in the Developer Portal.