
Use the map policy to transform your assembly flow and specify relationships between variables.

Gateway support

Table 1. Table showing which gateways support this policy, and the corresponding policy version
Gateway Policy version
DataPower® Gateway (v5 compatible) 1.0.0
DataPower API Gateway 2.0.0

2.1.0 (DataPower API Gateway Version or later)

This topic describes how to configure the policy in your OpenAPI source; for details on how to configure the policy in the assembly user interface, see Map.


For information about the use and structure of the map policy, see The Map policy structure. For more information about API properties that affect the map policy, see API properties.

The map policy has the following format:

- map
   version: version
   title: title
   description: description

      - input_1:
         variable: context_1
         $ref: '#/definitions/definition_1'
      - input_2
         variable: context_2
         type: type_2
         content: content_type

      - output_3
         variable: context_3
         type: type_3

      - set: output_3.output_property_3
        from: input_1.input_property_1

      - set: output3.output_property_3
         - input1.input_property_1
         - input2.input_property_2
        value: 'script_A'
        default: 'default_A'

      - create: output3.output_property_3
        from: input1.input_property_1
        foreach: input1.input_property_1
          - further_actions


Table 2.
Property Required Description Data type Belongs to
version Yes The policy version number string N/A
title No A title for the policy. String N/A
description No A policy description. String N/A
inputs No An array listing the inputs of the map policy. Object N/A
outputs Yes An array listing the outputs of the map policy. Object N/A
variable Yes A reference to the context variable that is the location of the input or output variable.. String inputs or outputs
$ref Yes1 A reference to the definition of the type of the variable. String inputs or outputs
type Yes1 The type of the variable. String inputs or outputs
content No The content type of the variable: application/xml or application/json. If None is selected, or the field is not included, then the type is treated as JSON. String inputs or outputs
actions Yes Lists actions to be performed by the map policy. Object N/A
set Yes2 Specifies by name the output variable that is to be set to a value by the action. String actions
create Yes2 Specifies by name the output variable that is to have a value appended to it by the action. String actions
from No Specifies by name any input variables used by the action. String actions
value No Contains a script that maps and transforms input variables into output variables. String actions
default No Contains a static value, or an inline variable reference, to be applied to the output when no input value is provided. For information on inline variable references, see Inline references. String actions
foreach No Specifies by name an array for which further actions should be performed for each element. String actions
includeEmptyXMLElements No If set to true, empty XML elements are included in the output of the map policy. Set to false if you do not want empty XML elements to be included in the output of the map policy.

The default value is true.

Boolean options
namespaceInheritance No If set to true, XML namespaces are inherited from the parent element. Set to false if you want the map policy to use explicit namespaces.

The default value is true.

Boolean options
inlineNamespaces No If set to true, XML namespaces will be inserted into the document where they are first used. Set to false if you want namespaces to all be defined on the root element.

The default value is true.

Boolean options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapResolveXMLInputDataType No If set to true, XML elements whose schema is configured as type boolean or numeric will be converted to that data type. Set to false if you want all XML element values to be returned as a string. Boolean options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapParseXMLOutput No If set to true, the map policy will write XML output to message.body as a parsed XML document. By default, the XML will be output as an XML string. XML output to any other variable will always be written as an XML string.

The default value is false.

Boolean options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapXMLEmptyElement No This property controls how the map policy handles the output of an empty XML element. Specify one of the following values:
  • string (the default option): An empty XML element is handled as an empty string.
  • null: An empty XML element is handled as a null value.
  • none: The data is ignored.
  • DataPower API Gateway
onlystring-badgerfish: The value for an empty XML element is considered to be an empty string. The empty string value will be placed into a JSON badgerfish value property.
  • DataPower API Gateway
onlynull-badgerfish: The value for an empty XML element is considered to be null. The null value will be placed into a JSON badgerfish value property. A mapping of this element to a JSON output property does not occur unless the mapNullValue property is set to true.
String options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapArrayFirstElementValue No If set to true, then if an array is encountered in the traversal of the input, only the first element is used. Set to false if you want the map policy to use all array elements.

The default value is false.

Boolean options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapResolveApicVariables No If set to true, API Connect variable references found in the map properties are resolved. Set to false if you want the map policy to ignore API Connect variable references in the map policies.

The default value is false.

Boolean options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapNullValue No If set to true, an input property value with a null value is mapped to the output document. Set to false if you want the map policy to ignore null input values.

The default value is false.

Boolean options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapOptimizeSchemaDefinition No If set to true, complex schema types evaluation handles circular type references in an optimized manner. Set to false to evaluate these schema types in a standard manner.

The default value is false.

Boolean options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapEmulateV4DefaultRequiredProps No If set to true, default values are generated in the output for required properties that are either not mapped, or for which there is no input data present, in the following specific cases:
  • An array consists of objects that contain one or more required properties.
  • An object which is optional has one or more child properties that are required.

By default, these required properties are not present in the output. If you set this property to true, these required properties will be present in the output. If the output schema defines a default property for the output property then the specified default value is used, otherwise a default value is assigned dependent on the data type, as follows:

  • String: empty string ("")
  • Number: 0
  • Boolean: false
  • Object: empty object
  • Array: empty array
Example 1
The input data has the following array of objects:
[{“a”: “value1”}, {“a”: “value2", "b": “value3”}]

The output schema defines the output object as having two properties, a and b, of which b is required. The map policy defines the following mappings:

  • input.array.a to output.array.a
  • input.array.b to output.array.b

If this property is set to true, and b is either not mapped or has no input data present, then b is assigned a default value of an empty string, and the output is as follows:

[{“a”: “value1", "b": ""}, {"a": "value2", "b": "value3"}]
Example 2
The output schema defines the following structure:
{"a" : {"b" : {"c" : "value1", "d" : "value2"} } }

Property b is optional but property d within b is required.

The map policy defines a mapping to output.a.b.c.

If this property is set to true, and d is not mapped, then d is assigned a default value of an empty string, and the output is as follows:

{"a" : {"b" : {"c" : "value1", "d" : ""} } }

If this property is set to false, these required properties are not created in the output with their default values.

The default value is false.

Boolean options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapEnablePostProcessingJSON No If set to true, mapped JSON output is post processed. The post processing of JSON output will use the output schema to ensure that property values are of the same data type as that defined in the schema. It will also normalize output property values that have a Badgerfish JSON syntax due to object mapping of an XML input. Set to false if you want no post processing of mapped JSON output.

The default value is false.

Boolean options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapCreateEmptyArray No This property controls how the map policy handles the output of an empty array. Specify one of the following values:
  • all: Output all empty arrays, including empty children arrays.
  • parent: Output only the current property's empty array value. Children map actions of this property are not attempted.
  • none: Prevent any empty output array values from being produced.

The default value is all.

String options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapReferenceLimit No Set the value of this property to an integer value that specifies the maximum allowed number of iterations of a circular schema definition.

The default value is 1, which means that circular schema definitions are not followed. The maximum possible value is 5. If you specify a value greater than 5, a value of 5 is assumed. If you specify a non-numeric value, a value of 1 is assumed.

String options
messagesInputData No This property defines the severity level for log messages that relate to input data. Specify one of the following values:
  • error
  • warn
  • info
String options
DataPower API Gateway
onlymapEmulateV4EmptyJSONObject No If a mapping fails because its input is not present and there is no default mapping configured, the default behavior is to not to make any change to the output mapping. Set this property to true to create an empty object for the parent of the target mapping, emulating the behavior of IBM® API Management Version 4.0.
The map policy defines a mapping to output.a.b.c.
If input data is present, the output is as follows:
  "a": {
    "b": {
      "c": "inputvalue"
If there is no input data, and the mapEmulateV4EmptyJSONObject option is set to true, the output is as follows:
  "a": {
    "b": {
Properties a and b are created but the value of b is an empty object.

The default value is false.

Boolean options

1 There must be one of $ref or type in the description of a variable.

2 There must be one of set or create in an actions field.


      - map:
          version: 1.0.0
          title: Output mapping
                type: double
              variable: loan_invoke.body.monthly_payment
              content: application/json
                type: integer
              variable: request.parameters.duration
                $ref: '#/definitions/Quote_Output'
              variable: message.body
              content: application/json
            - set: Quote_Output.monthly_repayment
              from: Monthly_cost
              value: ''
            - set: Quote_Output.total_cost
                - Duration
                - Monthly_cost
              value: '$(Duration)*$(Monthly_cost)'
          description: Maps and transforms contexts to the operation output.
              includeEmptyXMLElements: false
              namespaceInheritance: false
              inlineNamespaces: false
              DataPower API Gateway
onlymapResolveXMLInputDataType: true
              DataPower API Gateway
onlymapXMLEmptyElement: null
              DataPower API Gateway
onlymapArrayFirstElementValue: false
              DataPower API Gateway
onlymapResolveApicVariables: false
              DataPower API Gateway
onlymapNullValue: true
              DataPower API Gateway
onlymapOptimizeSchemaDefinition: true
              DataPower API Gateway
onlymapCreateEmptyArray: parent
              DataPower API Gateway
onlymapReferenceLimit: 5
              messagesInputData: warn
              mapEmulateV4EmptyJSONObject: true