Profile Configuration

The configuration controls the execution of your profile; it determines for how long the test should run, and what kinds of requests it should generate. A newly-created profile includes a default configuration that you can run immediately to check that the auto-tester works with your API. The one thing you may have to set or change before you can run is the target Server URL which must point to your test deployment; the default value is copied from the API definition, where one is provided. You must also specify appropriate authentication settings on the separate Security tab (see Profile Security).

The configuration is in YAML format. The editor highlights syntactic errors as you type, and verifies the content for consistency with the API definition each time you press Save. If there is an error in the configuration, then the profile cannot run.

The Profile Configuration editor

The Profile Configuration editor

Sections in the configuration:



The server URL is the single endpoint to which all requests are sent. It must be a valid URL, reachable from your namespace, and include at least a scheme and a server address; it may also include a port number and a path prefix. It must not include a trailing slash. The server URL is prefixed to an operation path from the API definition to create the target of a request. For example, given this URL definition from the configuration:

ServerURL: https://api-host:8000/apis

And this operation path from the API definition:


The auto-tester will send POST requests to this target URL:


Stopping Criteria

The profile stops running as soon as any of these criteria are met.


The maximum length of time to run, in minutes: the auto-tester stops sending requests once this time period has elapsed. The overall running time will be longer because it includes additional time for setup and teardown.

For example, to set a maximum running time of ten minutes:

TimeToRun: 10


The maximum number of requests to send: the auto-tester stops issuing requests once this number has been reached. The final total of requests may be greater if additional requests are needed for setup and teardown.

Set this to zero to disable the request limit, and then the auto-tester will issue as many requests as fit into the allotted time period.

For example, to set a maximum of two thousand requests:

MaxRequests: 2000


The maximum number of error responses to allow: the auto-tester stops issuing requests once this number has been reached.

An error in this context is not an API error indicated by a 4xx (or even, sometimes, a 5xx) response, which is to be expected if the profile exercises all execution paths through the implementation. An error here is one where the response to a request is inconsistent with the API definition, which is a defect. Common cases include:

  • the status code is not documented
  • the payload does not conform to the schema
  • any 500 error

There should be no such errors in a mature implementation so the limit is typically set low, so that the profile can terminate early if they occur. You can set the limit to zero and disable this stopping condition, which might be appropriate for a development environment where you know that some operations have defects (or you can disable those operations from ever being called as described under Operations).

For example, to set the error limit to three:

MaxErrors: 3

Execution Control


If this is true then the auto-tester spawns threads to issue multiple requests concurrently, otherwise it issues just one request at a time. The concurrent option increases throughput and can be helpful in exposing synchronization issues in the API.

The number of concurrent threads is fixed and cannot be changed.

For example, to disable concurrent requests:

ParallelRequests: false


If this is true then the auto-tester issues a certain percentage of malformed requests to further exercise the validation logic of the API, otherwise it only issues requests that are well-formed according to the API definition.

The percentage of requests is specified as ErrorPercent.

For example, to enable malformed requests:

ErrorInjection: true


The percentage of malformed requests, when ErrorInjection is true.

For example, to include 2% of malformed requests:

ErrorPercent: 2.0


The AutoTest execution model is based around the notion of "resources", where a resource has a schema (of object type) and a set of operations (or methods). Resources are defined in the API extensions.

The auto-tester only exercises operations that belong to resources. To decide which operation to execute next, the auto-tester first picks a resource type at random, and then an operation from that type (again, at random).

You control the frequency with which resources are selected by assigning them weights. The selection frequency for a given resource is computed as the weight for that resource divided by the sum of all the weights.

A zero weight means that the resource will never be selected, and you can use this to exclude certain resources from testing; for example, when you know that they are not yet fully implemented. It is an error for all weights to be zero which would leave nothing to test.

Use the Resources key to assign weights to specific resources, and ResourceDefault to set the default weight for any resources not specified.


The weights assigned to specific resource types. The value is an object, where the keys are resource names, and the values are non-negative integer weights. Resource names must be declared in the API extensions.

For example, to increase the test focus on Customer operations, and exclude Order operations entirely:

  Customer: 2
  Order: 0


The default weight for any resource type not mentioned explicitly under Resources. The weight can be any non-negative integer value, but there are two common use cases:

  • if the weight is 1 then all resources are selected with equal frequency, except where specified otherwise under Resources
  • if the weight is 0 then all resources are disabled, except for those specified otherwise under Resources

For example, to disable all resources by default:

ResourceDefault: 0

In this case there must be at least one non-zero weight under Resources.


Upper and lower bounds on the number of resource instances that should exist at any time. The value is an object, where the keys are resource names, and the values specify lower and upper bounds for those resource types. Resource names must be declared in the API extensions, and the bounds must be non-negative integers that together define a non-empty range. The upper bound may also be unlimited in which case the number of instances depends upon the balance of create and delete requests issued for that type.

The auto-tester keeps track of the instances it creates for each resource type, in order to provide valid references and avoid too many 404 responses, and makes best efforts to keep the number of instances within any specified bounds.

For example, to place an upper bound on the number of Customer instances that should exist at any time:

    maximum: 25


The default instance bounds for any resource type not mentioned explicitly under Instances.

For example, to make the default unlimited:

  minimum: 1
  maximum: unlimited


Once the auto-tester has selected a resource type, it uses a similar weighting strategy to choose an operation from that type.

You control the frequency with which operations are selected by assigning them weights. Use the Operations key to assign weights to specific operations, and OperationDefault to set the default weight for any operations not specified.

A zero weight disables an operation entirely, and if all the operations are disabled for a resource then the resource itself is also disabled.


The weights assigned to specific operations. The value is an object whose schema follows the pattern established by the Paths object in OpenAPI, but the values assigned to each operation are non-negative integer weights.

For example, to increase test focus on the put_customer operation, and avoid patch_customer completely:

    put: 10
    patch: 0

The special key _ can be used to match all methods defined on a path that are not called out explicitly. For example, to disable all but the put_customer operation:

    put: 10
    _: 0

Remember that the weights are interpreted only across operations within the same resource type, and not across all operations in the API, so the overall distribution is determined by both the weight on the resource and the weight on the operation.


The default weight for any operations not mentioned explicitly under Operations. The value is an object where the keys are method names and the values are the default weights for those methods where they occur under any path. The special key _ matches all method names that are not listed separately.

For example, to disable all operations by default:

  _: 0

In this case there must be at least one non-zero weight under Operations.


Place here any custom rules that guide the auto-tester in generating values for operation parameters and payloads. These rules override the default rules derived from the API definition and any semantic annotations in the API extensions.

Rule syntax is described in Data Generation Rules.


Data generation rules for named schemas found under definitions (OpenAPI 2.0) or components/schemas (OpenAPI 3.0).

For example, given the schema definition:

  type: object
      type: string
      type: string
      format: date
      description: Two-letter ISO 639-1 language code
      type: string
      pattern: '[a-z]{2}'

The default generation rule for the language property, derived from this schema, will produce random string values that match the specified pattern (two lower-case alphabetic characters) but many of these will not be valid language codes, potentially giving rise to an excessive number of 400 responses.

To override the default generation rule and specify instead some particular language codes sufficient for testing:

            - en
            - fr
            - de

To inject a small percentage of invalid values:

            - enum:
                - en
                - fr
                - de
              weight: 98
            - const: xx
              weight: 2


Data generation rules for operation parameters and payloads described by inline (or unnamed) schemas and types. The value is an object whose schema follows the pattern established by the Paths object in OpenAPI.

Note that the auto-tester only supports path and query parameters at present, and other parameter types are ignored.

For example, given these (abbreviated) operation definitions:

        - name: limit
          in: query
          description: Sets an upper bound on the number of movies returned
            type: integer
              type: object
                - $ref: '#/definitions/Movie'
                - properties:
                      type: array
                        type: string

To set values for the limit query parameter, and the keywords property of the payload to post:

          - name: limit
            in: query
              # pick a random value between 0 and 500 (inclusive)
              minimum: 0
              maximum: 500
                    # pick up to 3 items from the following list
                        - avant-garde
                        - dystopia
                        - epic
                        - postmodern
                        - remake
                        - shootout
                    minItems: 0
                    maxItems: 3