Tutorial: Creating a Provider Organization

This tutorial shows you how to create a Provider Organization.

Before You Begin

This task can be completed by users who are assigned one of the following roles:
  • Cloud Owner
  • Cloud Administrator

You must also complete the following tasks before beginning:

Note that an email server must be configured and an active email server must be selected before a provider organization account can be created.

About this tutorial

In this tutorial you are going to complete the following lessons:

Create a Provider Organization

Take the following steps to create a new Provider Organization.

  1. Log in to the Cloud Manager.
  2. Click Provider Organizations Provider Organizations.

    Provider organizations

  3. Click Add > Invite organization owner.

    Add org owner

  4. Enter the email address of the organization owner in the Owner's Email field.

    Invite owner

  5. Click Invite.
  6. A notice appears when the activation email has been sent. Click Activation link..

    Activation link notice

  7. A dialog box displays the activation link. Click the Copy to clipboard icon Copy to clipboard icon.

    Copy activation link

  8. Open a new window in your browser. Paste the copied activation link into the Location bar. Optionally, you can click the activation link in the invitation email to open the registration form.
  9. Complete fields shown in the form to sign up with the API Manager User Registry. Click Sign up.

    Register owner

  10. You see a confirmation of registration. Click Sign in.

    Registered owner

  11. Enter the username and password you just created. Click Sign in to begin creating APIs and products.

    API Mgr login

  12. Return to the original window of your browser. Click Provider Organizations Provider Organizations to refresh the list. Your new organization is listed.

    Provider org list

What you did in this tutorial

In this tutorial, you completed the following activities:
  • Created a new Provider Organization.