Token management with the DataPower API Gateway

API Connect can use the DataPower distributed cache to manage the token lifecycle that includes when to revoke access rights.

Note: The steps described in this topic are required if you are using the appliance version of the gateway. For the API Connect supplied Kubernetes deployment, the API Security Token Manager is preconfigured provided that, in the gateway service custom resource file, v5 compatibility mode is disabled and the token management service is enabled:
  apicGatewayServiceV5CompatibilityMode: false
    enabled: true
For more information, see Installing the DataPower Gateway subsystem.

Token management relies on gateway-peering to distribute the cache for revocation details within a gateway cluster node, and does not propagate across different gateway clusters. In order to enforce token management across different gateway clusters, you must use the external token store and set the Token Management Type to External in your native OAuth provider configuration.

In order to manage tokens with the DataPower® API Gateway, you must set the Token Management Type to Native in your Native OAuth provider configuration. See Configuring token management and revocation for a native OAuth provider when using Cloud Manager or Configuring token management and revocation for a native OAuth provider when using API Manager.

Note: This setting is also required when you use a third-party OAuth provider and Introspect cache type is set to protocol or Time to live.

For token management with the DataPower API Gateway, you must configure the API Security Token Manager on the gateway. Complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the DataPower administration console, selecting apiconnect for the domain, and WebGUI for the Graphical Interface.
  2. In the search box, enter API Security Token Manager, then click on the API Security Token Manager link that displays in the search results.
  3. For the Administrative state, select enabled.
  4. Click the + icon alongside the Gateway Peering field to create a new gateway peering object.
  5. Provide a Name and a Local address.
  6. In the Local port and Monitor port fields, provide values that aren't already in use by services for the Local address.
  7. Ensure that Peer group mode is selected.
  8. Alongside the Peers field, use the add button and accompanying field to add at least two peers, to ensure that quorum is achieved.
  9. If the Enable SSL option is selected, select a value for the Identification credentials.
  10. For Persistence location, select a setting other than memory.
  11. When done, click Apply.
  12. Repeat steps 1 to 11 for each DataPower API Gateway in the peer group.
  13. When done, click Apply, then click Save Configuration to save your changes.

For more information, see Defining the API security token manager and Creating a gateway peering instance.

Resource owner revocation

When Resource owner revocation path is selected in the Token Management screen, the configuration inserts two REST API calls to /oauth2/issued.

  • An HTTP GET operation that retrieves a list of all granted permissions for a specific user.
  • An HTTP DELETE operation that revokes an application for a specific user.

The setting inserts header-based security definitions of client ID and client secret as shown in the View permissions example. The API call to revoke a given application for a given user is shown in the Revoke permissions example.

View permissions example
To list all the applications granted by user cn=spoon,o=ibm with username spoon and password spoon using a registered administration application of 5287fe53-8747-438a-8262-681ec75b79c5.
  • Request:
    GET /oauth2/issued
           x-ibm-client-id: 5287fe53-8747-438a-8262-681ec75b79c5
           x-ibm-client-secret: E2qM6mG2bX2uC1xT2iN1uU6bT5cV4dN7nW5kM5uP8vL3uF3cT7
           Authorization: Basic c3Bvb246c3Bvb24=
  • Response:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Cache-Control: no-store
    Pragma: no-cache
    "clientId": "5287fe53-8747-438a-8262-681ec75b79c5", => same client id as request
    "owner": "cn=spoon,o=ibm",
    "clientName": "PetStore Application",
    "scope": "listpet",
    "issuedAt": 1503327054,
    "consentedOn": 1503327054,
    "expiredAt": 1503330654,
    "refreshTokenIssued": false,
    "appId": "d2031f0f27339315333734ab9",
    "org": "PetStoreOrg",
    "orgTitle": "Katie Pet Grooming Inc",
    "orgId": "5887803de4b06e6998c4b2c7",
    "provider": "SuperStore",
    "providerTitle": "Simon SuperStore",
    "providerId": "5887803de4b06e6998c4b2c7",
    "catalog": "publicapi",
    "catalogTitle": "For public",
    "catalogId": "5887803de4b06e6998c4b2d3"
    } => delete second item
Revoke permissions example
To revoke application a8746323-9825-a842-8736-abd8202356ac8 by owner cn=spoon,o=ibm.
  • Request
    DELETE /oauth2/issued?client-id=a8746323-9825-a842-8736-abd8202356ac8
    x-ibm-client-id: a8746323-9825-a842-8736-abd8202356ac8 => same client id as delete request
    x-ibm-client-secret: E2qM6mG2bX2uC1xT2iN1uU6bT5cV4dN7nW5kM5uP8vL3uF3cT7
    Authorization: Basic c3Bvb246c3Bvb24=
  • Response
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
    Pragma: no-cache
         { "status": "success" }

Client revocation

When Client revocation path is selected in the Token Management screen, the result is the following:

This option inserts one REST API call to /oauth2/revoke, which supports OAuth 2.0 IETF RFC 7009. An HTTP POST operation that an application can send to this API to revoke either an access_token, or refresh_token with token_type_hint as shown in the following examples:

Revoke access_token
  • Request:
    POST /oauth2/revoke 
           x-ibm-client-id: 5287fe53-8747-438a-8262-681ec75b79c5
           x-ibm-client-secret: E2qM6mG2bX2uC1xT2iN1uU6bT5cV4dN7nW5kM5uP8vL3uF3cT7
          Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Response:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
          Pragma: no-cache
         { "status": "success" }
Revoke refresh_token
  • Request:
    POST /oauth2/revoke 
           x-ibm-client-id: 5287fe53-8747-438a-8262-681ec75b79c5
           x-ibm-client-secret: E2qM6mG2bX2uC1xT2iN1uU6bT5cV4dN7nW5kM5uP8vL3uF3cT7
          Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Response:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
          Pragma: no-cache
         { "status": "success" }