Installing analytics

Deploy the analytics CR to install the analytics subsystem in your API Connect deployment.

Before you begin

Now that you have a complete analytics CR file, double-check it for accuracy. In particular, verify that:

  • No placeholder values remain in the analytics_cr.yaml file.
  • You configured all the topology options that you plan to deploy.
  • You configured appropriate volume size for storage.


  1. Run the following command to apply the analytics_cr.yaml:
    kubectl apply -f path/to/analytics-cr -n namespace
    • path/to/analytics-cr is the path to your saved analytics_cr.yaml file.
    • namespace is the name of your namespace.
  2. Verify that the analytics subsystem is fully installed by running the following command:
    kubectl get AnalyticsCluster -n namespace
    where namespace is the name of your namespace.

    The installation is complete when the READY status is True and the SUMMARY reports that all services are online. Example:

    analytics   True    5/5       <version>   <version-build>        7m39s 

    The SUMMARY total count is based on your configured topology. Both numbers are equal when the installation is complete.


Table 1 lists the pods that are expected in the three replica analytics deployment profile.

Table 1. Expected analytics subsystem pods
Expected Pods Note
3 director Always expected.
3 ingestion Always expected.
3 mtls-gw Always expected.
3 storage Not expected if you disabled internal storage.
3 storage-os-master Not expected if you disabled internal storage. Not expected if shared storage is configured.
3 osinit Expected to be in completed state.
1 data-warehouse Expected if backups are enabled. For information about analytics database backups, see configure analytics database backups.

The one replica profile has 1 replica (instead of 3) of each pod.

What to do next

Take a backup of your analytics subsystem and configure scheduled analytics database backups: Analytics backup and restore.