API Connect on Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Cloud Pak for Integration

Understand the Kubernetes artifacts that make up the analytics subsystem, and how to configure your AnalyticsCluster CR.

The AnalyticsCluster Custom Resource (CR)

Your analytics subsystem is defined by a Custom Resource (CR) called AnalyticsCluster. Throughout this documentation, the AnalyticsCluster CR is also referred to as the analytics CR.

Certain analytics features are configured in the AnalyticsCluster CR. How you edit the CR depends on your platform:
  • Kubernetes and OpenShift individual subsystem CRs: Edit the AnalyticsCluster directly.
  • Cloud Pak for Integration and OpenShift top-level CR: Edit the analytics section of the top-level CR. When saved, the changes to the top-level CR are applied to AnalyticsCluster CR. If you change the AnalyticsCluster CR directly, changes can be overwritten by the top-level CR.
Note: For convenience, the alias a7s can be used instead of AnalyticsCluster when you edit the CR. For example:
kubectl edit a7s
instead of:
kubectl edit AnalyticsCluster

The properties that you can configure in the AnalyticsCluster CR are listed in Analytics CR properties reference.


The analytics subsystem has one ingress, called the ingestion endpoint. The ingestion endpoint serves requests coming from both the management subsystem and the gateway. The management subsystem communicates with the ingestion endpoint to query API event data stored by the analytics subsystem, and also to manage the analytics subsystem. The gateway sends API event data to the ingestion endpoint.

The ingestion endpoint is listed as ai-endpoint or <instance name>-ai-endpoint in the output of kubectl get ingress.

Note: In OpenShift, routes are used instead of ingresses. The functions of the ingestion endpoint are the same for both the Kubernetes ai-endpoint ingress and the OpenShift ai-endpoint route.


The following table shows the Kubernetes pods that make up an analytics subsystem:
Table 1. Analytics pods
Name Description
osinit OpenSearch initialization job. This pod is in completed state after installation.
oscron Manages the jobs that transform API event data into summary data. Runs every 15 minutes.
director Manages the analytics subsystem. The director pod serves all requests that come from the management subsystem, such as: initial subsystem registration, queries for analytics data, management of saved queries, and changes to retention settings.
ingestion Logstash-based data pipeline that receives the API event data from the gateway, applies any ingestion filters that the user configures, and forwards the events to the storage pods and/or to third-party offload targets.
mtls-gw Secures all communication that arrives on the analytics ingestion endpoint, forwarding communication from the management subsystem to the director pod, and communication from the gateway to the ingestion pod.
storage The storage pods contain the OpenSearch database that stores all the analytics data. By default the storage pods also run the OpenSearch cluster management tasks. If dedicated storage is enabled the OpenSearch cluster management tasks are done by the storage-os-master pods, and the storage pods contain just the analytics data.
storage-os-master The storage-os-master pod exists only on deployments where dedicated storage is enabled. The storage-os-master pods manage the OpenSearch cluster, while the storage pods are dedicated to the storage of the analytics data.
warehouse The warehouse pod stores your local backups and stages them for transmission to your remote SFTP server or object-store.

PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs)

The following table describes the PVCs that are created for the analytics subsystem:
Table 2. Analytics PVCs
Name Description
data-analytics-storage-<integer> The PVC that stores your analytics data. A data-analytics-storage-<integer> PVC is created for each analytics storage pod. The <integer> is the replica number, starting from 0.
data-analytics-storage-os-master-<integer> If dedicated storage is enabled, then the storage-os-master PVCs are created. Each storage-os-master PVC corresponds to a storage-os-master pod. The <integer> corresponds to the pod replica number, starting from 0. The PVC stores data that is related to the management of your OpenSearch cluster.
data-analytics-ingestion-<integer> If the persistent queue feature is enabled, a data-analytics-ingestion-<integer> PVC is created for each ingestion pod. The data-analytics-ingestion-<integer> PVC stores API event data temporarily when the ingestion pod is unable to forward the data to the storage pods. The <integer> corresponds to the pod replica number, starting from 0.
data-a7s-warehouse If backups are enabled, then local backups are stored on this PVC.


The following table describes the certificates that are used by the analytics subsystem:
Table 3. Analytics certificates
Certificate name Issuer Description
analytics-ai-endpoint or a7s-ai-endpoint ingress-issuer

Server certificate used on the analytics ingestion endpoint, in the mtls-gw pod. Management and gateway subsystems communicate with the analytics subsystem on this endpoint. The client certificates that are used by the management and gateway subsystems must use the same CA certificate as the analytics-ai-endpoint certificate.

If this certificate is updated, restart the mtls-gw pod for the update to take effect.

analytics-ca or a7s-ca selfsigning-issuer The issuer for the analytics-client and analytics-server certificates. Communication between analytics subsystem pods fails if there is a problem with this certificate.
If you update this certificate, you must then update the analytics-client and analytics-server server certificates, and then ensure that the following pods are restarted:
  • storage: Restarts automatically.
  • warehouse: Restarts automatically.
  • ingestion: Restarts automatically.
  • director: Restart manually.
analytics-client or a7s-client analytics-ca Client certificate used in communication between analytics subsystem pods. Communication between analytics subsystem pods fails if there is a problem with this certificate.

If this certificate is updated, then the storage, warehouse and ingestion pods restart automatically. You must manually restart the director pod.

analytics-server or a7s-server analytics-ca Server certificate used in communication between analytics subsystem pods. Communication between analytics subsystem pods fails if there is a problem with this certificate.
Required DNS names within the SAN section are:
*.<instance name>-server.<namespace>.svc
*.<instance name>-server.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local
<instance name>-server
<instance name>-storage
<instance name>-director
<instance name>-ingestion
<instance name>-mtls-gw
<instance name>-storage-os-master
<instance name>-warehouse

If this certificate is updated, then the storage, warehouse and ingestion pods restart automatically. You must manually restart the director pod.

For more information about certificates in API Connect, see API Connect certificates.