Configuring API key settings

You can set the time period for when an API key expires, and optionally authorize it to be used multiple times.

About this task

Applications exchange the API key exchange the API key for an access token.


Follow these steps to set the API key timeout:

  1. In the Cloud Manager, click Settings Settings.
  2. In the Settings navigation list, click Onboarding.
  3. Click Edit next to the API Key timeout setting.
  4. To specify a timeout value, select or type an integer value in the Number field and then choose a unit of time (Seconds, Minutes, or Hours) in the Unit field.
  5. Select Multiple use of apikey to allow applications to exchange the API key for an access token multiple times.

    By default, the API key can be used only once.

    To enable this setting with the CLI, set the api_key_multiple_uses field to true.

  6. Click Save.


API Key times out based on the set timeout value.