Linking to social media sites

You can link to social media sites from the Developer Portal. You can configure where and how these links are displayed and which sites you want to link to.

Before you begin

You must have administrator access to the Developer Portal to complete this task.


  1. Click Structure in the administrator dashboard.
  2. Click Blocks.
  3. Under the Disabled heading, locate the Follow site block.
  4. Select the location for your social media block from the drop-down list for Follow Site in the REGION column.
    The Follow Site block will appear under the heading that corresponds to the region you selected in the REGION drop-down list.
  5. Required: Click Save blocks before you begin configuring your new block.
  6. Click configure for the Follow Site block.
  7. In the Block title field, type the name of your block.
  8. Under the Default block title heading, select one of the following leading text options for your block using the radio buttons for each option:
    • Follow on
    • Follow me on
    • Follow us on
  9. Use the User pages check box to decide whether you want your block to display on your user's profile pages.
  10. Use the Alignment and Icon Style drop-down lists to adjust the appearance of your block.
  11. Click Save block.
  12. Click Configuration in the administrator dashboard.
  13. Under the WEB SERVICES heading, click Follow.
  14. Type the URL under the URL heading for each of the social media sites you want your users to access. The following is an example of a link to the @ibmapiconnect twitter handle:
  15. Click Submit.