Essential reading

These articles by IBM® API Connect product specialists provide a wealth of supporting information on APIs and the API economy.

Why Become a Digital Business?
Executing a Digital Transformation to become a Digital Business is among the hottest initiatives now – crossing both business and IT. But, is this just the latest buzzword or is there something to this that is different? Do you know why you should become a “Digital Business”?
Creating A Digital Ecosystem – Past, Present, and Future
The ability to create a digital ecosystem is critical to digital transformation success. Your success is your network reach.
Agile integration
Your business needs a modern, agile approach to integration. It should empower extended teams to create integrations, leverages a complete set of integration styles and capabilities, and increases overall productivity.
What is an API? and What is the API Economy?
Businesses start to consider APIs and the API Economy at various times. Many are long down their API journeys, while others are still considering whether to start. This article looks at some of the basics that companies considering APIs might want to know.
What is API Management?
APIs are not new. Software and hardware have had APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for decades. However, having an API and managing an API are not the same thing.
Providing APIs or Managing APIs – There is a Big Difference
A discussion of the potential for confusion between APIs that are provided and APIs that are managed.
Recommendations for an API Economy Center of Excellence
What roles are required to drive a successful API initiative, how should this fit in the current organization, and how do these roles relate to existing roles in the company?
Focus on the API Developer
A productive developer is a happy developer. One of the most frequently discussed topics in the API economy is focusing on the needs of the Application developer – the consumer target for your APIs.
Agile API development
Agile API Development Customer expectations and behavior are continuously changing. To deliver exceptional customer experience, a business must be nimble to adapt to these changing needs.
API Products – Who, What, Where, When, Why and How”
An API Product is an API offering made available for consumer use that is offered to a target market to satisfy a customer’s needs.
Changing Culture – How Committed Are You?
How do we change the culture in our organization to create an API culture?
Plan Ahead! Don’t Build an API Superhighway into a Cul-de-sac
Without proper planning, a business can start their API initiatives, build incredible excitement quickly, but find that the path they have taken leads them into a cul-de-sac (or dead end) that cannot handle the demand they have created.
IBM API Connect v10.x Deployment WhitePaper
A technical deep dive on the deployment options for IBM API Connect.
Principles for API Security - White Paper
API security is of paramount importance in gaining the promised benefits without exposure to negative consequences.
Can you trust your APIs?
As enterprises are continuously expanding their digital footprint, they must ensure the API behavior is intact, as it has a far-reaching effect on an application's execution and end-user experience.
Istio Service Mesh and APIConnect/DataPower Gateway integration
What is Istio, and how can DataPower API Gateway integrate in an Istio Service Mesh.
Best Practice – Monetizing API Products
Ultimately the goal for almost all API initiatives is Monetization in the broad sense that crosses multiple modes from Free - to Indirect - to Direct. Most businesses using APIs successfully are monetizing APIs by speeding offerings to market, reaching new markets and new customers, innovating, and sharing assets better inside their enterprise.