Deploying operators in a single-namespace API Connect cluster

Deploy the Kubernetes operator files in a single namespace cluster.

Before you begin

Note: If you are deploying a multi-namespace API Connect cluster, do not use these instructions. Instead, go to Deploying operators in a multi-namespace API Connect cluster.


  1. Ensure KUBECONFIG is set for the target cluster:
    export KUBECONFIG=<path_to_cluster_config_YAML_file>

    An example path is /Users/user/.kube/clusters/<cluster_name>/kube-config-<cluster_name>.yaml

  2. Decide on a namespace to be used for installation.

    If not using the default namespace, create the namespace in the Kubernetes cluster where the API Connect deployment will take place. Use the following command, replacing <namespace> with the namespace for the deployment:

    kubectl create ns <namespace>
    Note: The following namespaces are reserved and must not be used for your installation:
    • default
    • openshift-*
    • kube-*
  3. Install a cert-manager.

    Cert-manager adds convenience to the generation and management of API Connect certificates. For more information about cert-manager, see Key Concepts: Cert-manager, Issuers, and Secrets.

    Note: If you are deploying a two data center disaster recovery deployment on Kubernetes, then do not do this step, follow the steps in Installing cert-manager and certificates in a two data center deployment, then return here.
    1. Obtain the certificate manager.

      API Connect uses cert-manager v1.12.13 of cert-manager, which is a native Kubernetes certificate management controller.

      You can obtain cert-manager v1.12.13 from the API Connect v10 distribution archive, or download it from

    2. Apply the CR:
      kubectl apply -f cert-manager-1.12.13.yaml

      Do not specify a custom namespace.


    3. Wait for cert-manager pods to enter Running 1/1 status before proceeding. To check the status:
      kubectl get po -n cert-manager 
      There are 3 cert-manager pods in total.
  4. Create a registry secret with credentials to be used to pull down product images.

    Use the following command, replacing <namespace> with the namespace for your deployment, and replacing <registry_server> with the location of the Docker Registry where the installation product images were pushed:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry apic-registry-secret 
    --docker-username=<> --docker-password=<password> --docker-email=<> -n <namespace>
  5. Create a registry secret for the DataPower registry with the credentials to be used to pull down product images.

    Use the following command, replacing <namespace> with the desired namespace for the deployment:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry datapower-docker-local-cred 
    --docker-server=<docker_server> --docker-username=<> --docker-password=<password> --docker-email=<> -n <namespace>
  6. Create a DataPower admin secret.

    Use the following command, replacing <namespace> with the desired namespace for the deployment:

    kubectl create secret generic datapower-admin-credentials --from-literal=password=admin -n <namespace>

    The admin secret will be used for $ADMIN_USER_SECRET when deploying the gateway CR.

  7. If you are using a namespace other than default, open ibm-apiconnect.yaml in a text editor. Replace each occurrence of default with the namespace for your deployment.
  8. Open ibm-apiconnect.yaml in a text editor. Replace the value of each image: key with the location of the API Connect operator images (from the ibm-apiconnect container and the ibm-apiconnect-init container), either uploaded to your own registry or pulled from a public registry.
      serviceAccountName: ibm-apiconnect
       - name: apic-registry-secret
       - name: ibm-apiconnect-init
        image: <My_registry_or_public_registry>/ibm-apiconnect-operator-init@sha256:0d3bbac7c67372ad013407a8049c69dbd08b1559b59a7606fcd87eb0f4519ce1
        - name: ibm-apiconnect
        image: <My_registry_or_public registry>/ibm-apiconnect-operator@sha256:a7473ee26c252fca4931b682cd95d73b4149e4b5b773834408f9f22d0246a76c
  9. If DataPower Gateway is desired in this installation, and if you are using a namespace other than default, open ibm-datapower.yaml in a text editor. Replace each occurrence of default with the namespace for your deployment.
  10. Open ibm-datapower.yaml in a text editor.
    1. Locate the image: key in the containers section of the deployment yaml immediately after imagePullSecrets:. Replace the value of the image: key with the location of the datapower operator image, either uploaded to your own registry or pulled from a public registry.
    2. Update the IBM_DOCKER_HUB and IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY value in the env section with the registry address where the images were uploaded with the image-tool in Obtaining product files.

      For example, the default entries are:

                  - name: IBM_ENTITLED_REGISTRY
                    value: ""
                  - name: IBM_DOCKER_HUB
                    value: ""
  11. Install the ibm-apiconnect CRDs.
    kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f ibm-apiconnect-crds.yaml
  12. Install the ibm-apiconnect Kubernetes deployment.
    kubectl apply -f ibm-apiconnect.yaml
  13. If DataPower Gateway is desired in this installation, install the ibm-datapower Kubernetes deployment for DataPower Gateway, with the following command, replacing <namespace> with the desired namespace for the deployment (-n <namespace> may be omitted if default namespace is being used for installation):
    kubectl apply -f ibm-datapower.yaml -n <namespace>

    Troubleshooting: If your DataPower operator pod fails to start, see Troubleshooting install.

  14. Install the ingress-ca Issuer to be used by cert-manager.

    If you are installing a two data center disaster recovery deployment, skip this step, and follow the steps in: Installing cert-manager and certificates in a two data center deployment.

    1. Use the following command, replacing <namespace> with the desired namespace for the deployment:
      kubectl apply -f ingress-issuer-v1.yaml -n <namespace>

      The file ingress-issuer-v1.yaml is included in the release files contained in

    2. Validate that the command succeeded:
      kubectl get certificates -n <namespace>

      Example output indicating success:

      NAME                         READY   SECRET                       AGE
      analytics-ingestion-client   True    analytics-ingestion-client   70s
      gateway-peering              True    gateway-peering              69s
      gateway-service              True    gateway-service              69s
      ingress-ca                   True    ingress-ca                   71s
      portal-admin-client          True    portal-admin-client          71s
      portal-tunnel-client         True    portal-tunnel-client         70s

      The list of certificates might vary based on your deployment.

  15. Continue with Installing the API Connect subsystems.